Ones earning depends on whether he is skilled or not. Usually people who belong to the primary sector are unskilled and earn less, such as raw material extractors. People from the tertiary sector are skilled and earn a lot more ...
Billion Essays Latest Articles
Male and Female Earning
anusheIn some companies employees are paid according to their gender. In some companies men are paid more than women as they are considered more superior and skilled. And in some companies, women earn more by appealing the employers which belong ...
Private and Social Costs
anushePrivate cost is a producer’s or supplier’s cost of providing goods or services. It includes internal costs incurred for inputs, labor, rent, and depreciation but excludes external costs incurred as environmental damage.However, social cost is the expense to an entire ...
Functions of the Central Bank
anusheThe main function of the central bank is to control the nation’s money supply i.e monetary policy, through active duties such as managing interest rates, setting the reserve requirement, and acting as a lender of last resort to the banking ...
Price Elasticity of Supply
anushePrice elasticity of supply is the measure of the responsiveness of quantity supplied to a change in price. A product is perfectly elastic when the the quantity supplied is infinite with the 1% change in price. A product is relatively ...
Price Elasticity Of Demand
anushePrice elasticity is a measure of effect of a price change or a change in the quantity supplied on the demand of a product or service. Price elasticity of demand is a measure that gives the percentage change in quantity ...
yaebizThe state or practice of having more than one wife or female mate at a time.
yaebizThe state or practice of having more than one husband or male mate at one time.
yaebizA marriage in which a spouse of either sex may have more than one mate at the same time.
Symmetrical Family
yaebizA symmetrical family is a family that share male and female roles. For example a woman will go to work just like the man will, a man will take care of this kids and so will the woman. Basically sharing ...
Infant Mortality Rate
yaebizThe infant mortality rate (IMR) is the number of deaths of infants under one year old per 1,000 live births. This rate is often used as an indicator of the level of health in a country.
Extended Family
yaebizA type of family in which relatives in addition to parents and children (such as grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins) live in a single household.
Nuclear Family
yaebizNuclear family, also called elementary family, a group of people who are united by ties of partnership and parenthood and consisting of a pair of adults and their socially recognized children. The nuclear family was once widely held to be ...
Sociology and Journalism
yaebizJournalism is the gathering of news and information about the state of society, such as current events, trends and issues. Journalists report these news stories aiming to inform large numbers of people through media outlets like newspapers, magazines, radio, television ...
Sociology and Common Sense
yaebizSociology is concerned with studying many things which most people usually already know something about. Everyone will have some knowledge and understanding of family life, the education system, work, the mass media and crime, simply by being part of and ...
Sociology and Biological Explanations
yaebizBiology or naturalistic explanations are those which assume that various kinds of human behaviour are natural or based on in-nate (inborn) biological characteristics, but if it were so then everyone on planet earth would have the same behavior regardless of ...
Society and Psychology
yaebizLike sociology, psychology also studies people and has a range of research techniques and theories to support itself. However psychology tends to focus on the behaviour of individuals, why they come to think and behave as they do and how ...
Feral Children
yaebizFeral Children are children who, for one reason or another, miss out on some important stages of human learning as they have been removed from human contact and the normal processes of human socialization. They remain unaware of human social ...
Social Processes
yaebizSocial processes are the various influences that control and regulate human behaviour, and help to keep societies running more or less smoothly and with some day-to-day stability. Two important social processes are socialization and social control.
Secondary Socialization
yaebizIt refers to the socialization that takes place beyond the family and the close community. It is carried out through agencies of secondary socialization such as the education system, the peer group ( a group of people of similar age ...
Primary Socialization
yaebizPrimary socialization refers to socialization during the early years of childhood, and is carried out the family and the close community. It is during primary socialization that children first begin to learn about the basic values and norms and other ...
How is an individual identified ?
yaebizAn individual is identified by the following: ▪️ Their age ▪️ Their sexual preference ▪️ Their gender ▪️ Their education ▪️ Their nationality ▪️ Their religion ▪️ Their income and the social class they belong to ▪️ Their occupation and ...
Consensus Theory
yaebizThe consensus theory is the approach adopted by functional sociologists. It seems society as a whole working unit, quite similar to a human body. It suggests that just like the human body where every organ depends on the other one ...
Conflict Theory
yaebizThe conflict theory is an approach that sees society as having many social issues and differences, with inequalities in wealth, power and status. All creating conflict between individuals and groups.
The Macro and Micro Approach.
yaebizThe Macro approach is one that focuses on the large scale structure of the society as a whole, while the micro approach is one that focuses on individuals and very small groups of people.
Social Policy
yaebizSocial problems are tackled by the application of social policies. A social policy refers to the plans and actions of national local governments and various voluntary agencies designed to solve social problems and improve the life chances the citizens living ...
Social Problems
yaebizSocial problems are matters that are in some way harmful to members of the society, and that need something to be done to sort them out or the social balance would collapse, causing a chaos in the society. They cause ...
yaebizRacism is believing or acting as though an individual or a group is superior or inferior on the grounds of racial or ethnic origins, usually based on skin colour or other physical characteristics, and suggesting that groups defined as inferior ...
yaebizA stereotype is a generalized, over simplified view of the features of a social group, allowing for a few individual differences among its members. The assumption that all members of the group share the same features, attitudes and behavioural similarities.
Hidden Curriculum
yaebiz“The Hidden Curriculum” refers to the attitude and behaviour which is taught through the school’s organisation and teacher’s attitudes but which are not part of the formal timetable.
Social Control
yaebizSocial control is the process of persuading or enforcing individuals to conform to the values and norms of a society.
Role Conflict
yaebizRole Conflict is the conflict that arises between the successful performances of two or more roles at the same time.
Consumer Goods
yaebizConsumer goods are products and services that people buy to satisfy their need and desires, such as food, clothes, furniture etc.
yaebizIdentity is about how individuals see and define themselves and how other people in their sociological environment see or define them.
yaebizCulture refers to the language, beliefs, values and norms, customs, roles, knowledge and skills which combine to make up the way of life of any society.
Social Term : Objectivity
yaebizObjectivity means approaching topics with an open mind, avoiding any king of bias, and being prepared to submit research evidence that could prove the research of sociologists of the past, wrong.
Social Term : Value Freedom
yaebiz“Value Freedom” is the idea that the personal beliefs and prejudices of the sociologist should not be allowed to influence the way research is carried out and evidence is interpreted.
yaebizProcess by which individuals acquire the knowledge, language, social skills, and value to conform to the norms and roles required for integration into a group or community. It is a combination of both self-imposed (because the individual wants to conform) ...
yaebizRoles are the patterns of behaviour which are expected from people in a society.
yaebizNorms are social rules which define correct or appropriate behaviour in a society or group.
yaebizValues are general beliefs about what is right and what is not.
yaebizCustoms are social behavioural rules that have existed for a long time.
Social Institutions
yaebizSocial institutions are the various social arrangements which are found in all societies. For example, the family is an institution which is concerned with arrangements for marriage, such as at what age people marry, whom they can marry and how ...
yaebizSociology is the systematic study of human groups and social life in modern societies. It is concerned with the study of social institutions.
How far are family roles equal in the modern industrial societies?
anusheIn the modern industrial societies, equal family roles are arguable.It can be said that family roles are equal to some extent but it cannot be denied that some people still live very traditionally. The dominance of women in the professional ...
Explain why women find it difficult to find equal rights in the family.
anusheThe major reason for such inequality is the stereotypical image of a female. This stereotype pictures a woman as financially dependent, with no right to take family decisions and only live as a house-wive. Despite the increasing dominance of feminist ...
Explain why are divorce rates high in the modern industrial societies?
anusheIn the modern industrial societies divorce is not considered a taboo as earlier, which used to bound people to carry on with their unsuccessful marriages. People now get married with a lot of planning which makes them expect a lot ...
How far and in what ways are families in the modern industrial societies as important as they were in the past?
anusheIt is believed that the importance of families have faded in the modern industrial societies due to modernisation, It is said that with modernisation individual and professional lives are considered more important. They said people who first were living traditionally ...
Sex and Gender
anusheSex and gender is a highly debatable topic as people believe that they are the same thing yet they are not. Sex refers to the biological difference between men and women,such as genitals, internal reproductive organs and body hair. However, ...
Social Control
anusheSocial control is the social process of persuading or forcing individuals to conform to the values and norms. There are two types of social control; formal and informal. Formal social control is that in which the law is used to ...