A limited company is an organisation that someone can set up to run their business, it’s responsible in its own right for everything it does and its finances are separate to the owners’ personal finances. Any profit it makes is ...
Billion Essays Latest Articles
Business Partnerships
yaebizA partnership is a single business where two or more people share ownership. Each partner contributes to all aspects of the business, including money, property, labor or skill. In return, each partner shares in the profits and losses of the ...
Sole Trader
yaebizA sole trader is the simplest form of business structure and is relatively easy and inexpensive to set up. A sole trader is legally responsible for all aspects of the business. They make all the decisions about starting and running ...
Nuclear Family Units and why they are dominant.
yaebizThe nuclear family has been described to be a family in which there are two parents in a heterosexual relationship with their biological children. Some sociological perspectives view the nuclear family as the dominant type of family unit, even with ...
Problems with Business Growth.
anusheMajorly, the purpose of a business is to gain profit, hence expansion is inevitable. However, while expanding a business might face many problems. Usually, businesses try to expand as quickly as possible, and face diseconomies of Scale, which are the ...
Ways to Grow a Business
anusheThe growth of a business is either internal or external. Internal growth occurs when a business expands its existing operations, however external growth is when a business takes over or merges with another business. An example of internal growth would ...
Methods of Measuring Size
anusheCommonly,the size of a business is measured by the number of employees hired, value of output, value of sales and value of capital used for production. A growing business always experiences a major changes in all these sectors. Once a ...
Sectors Of Business Activity.
anusheA business is divided between three sectors; primary, secondary and tertiary. Each sector deals with a section of a business. The primary sector is smallest one, dealing with the extraction of natural resources, e.g mining. However, the secondary sector deals ...
Needs, Wants and Scarcity.
anusheThe concept of needs, wants and scarcity is the basis of Business Activity. Their is a slight difference between needs and wants. Needs are essential things one needs to survive, yet wants are the things that people believe they need ...
Women are always better parents than men, How far you agree with this? Give your opinion in not than 250 words.
bilal276In the era which the equitability between men and women plays a fundamental part in our daily life, it is believed that men are as good as women in educating and taking care of children. However, in my opinion, women ...
Needs, Wants, Scarcity
yaebizAs you probably know, we all have needs and wants. Needs are things we require to live, like water. I’m sure you can live without a Rolex for as long as you live but you can’t live without water for ...
Value Added Concept
yaebizWhen something is manufactured, a sum of money is spent on it, usually for the raw materials. That is the production cost. The enhancements a company adds to it’s products before offering it to the final consumer adds value to ...
Value Added Concept
anusheIn the business world, the value added concept explains a basic feature of a business.This concept explains that a primary product can be sold for a higher price after some advancements are made to it. For example, if you buy ...
Purpose Of Business Activity
anusheIn our daily lives, business activity holds immense importance, as it is the process of providing goods and services to people. In a manner, our lives are based on business activities.In a business activity, both private and public enterprises are ...
The Purpose Of Business Activity
yaebizBasically, as humans we all have needs and wants. Needs are the things we can’t live without while desires are things we can live without. We as humans have unlimited wants. Business activity exists to satisfy these needs and wants.
single gender schools vs co education
sanakhanConfidence plays a very important role in determining our personalities , it builds on our form of speech and the way we represent ourselves in public. Interacting with the opposite gender helps us develop that confidence. We grow , we ...
human cloning
sanakhanSome things are best left natural and classic, when we start messing around with things too much and adding finicky details, we start to lose contact with originality. The natural way to create human beings is the way that has ...
principal cancelling trips
sanakhanField trips pay an extremely important role in developing student’s confidence and creativity. Field trips allow new kids to create bonds and to form new friendships. We learn new things during the excursion; we open up and think more creatively. ...
various styles of shoes and their popularity
sajida1Shoes come in variety of styles and shapes. There is a broad range of shoes styles for children, men and women and everyone. It is an important part of human dressing. Whether it’s a party, wedding, or some other sort ...
how and why people choose the particular foods they eat.
sajida1Food is the most important part of human life and there is a variety of foods present on earth. There are several reasons on basis of which people usually select the food they eat. One particular reason is the taste ...
Describe your school.
sajida1I have completed my matriculation from a famous school situated in Lahore. It consists of a spacious and beautiful building with lush green lawns, playing grounds and long corridors. There were 30 rooms in my school and all were large ...
Describe your vision of an ideal vacation.
sajida1A vacation is an important part of everyone’s life including all either poor or rich, old or young and man or woman. It helps us to soothe our nerves and brain and be prepared to work efficiently and whole heartedly ...
Explain the problems, both personal and societal, that result from obesity.
sajida1The deposition of extra fat around visceral body organs is called obesity and gives a bulky appearance to body parts. It is a common problem nowadays and found in every region of the world affecting both men and women equally. ...
University life of student
imran146University life one of the most charming and memorable time in the life of the students because this is the stage when they starts to become mature and more sensible as they starts to feel their responsibilities as well as ...
imran146My house is in Lahore. It was purchased three years ago by my father. It has three bedrooms with attached bathrooms. It has a big drawing cum-dining room. It has a kitchen; a store room and a very beautiful lawn ...
imran146There are many different kinds of friends. You have your good and you have your bad. The good ones take up for you, help you when you need help, a good friend basically becomes your family. A bad friend is ...
Operations management
imran146Operations management (OM) is the business function responsible for managing the process of creation of goods and services. It involves planning, organizing, coordinating, and controlling all the resources needed to produce a company’s goods and services. Because operations management is ...
Operations management
imran146Operations management (OM) is the business function responsible for managing the process of creation of goods and services. It involves planning, organizing, coordinating, and controlling all the resources needed to produce a company’s goods and services. Because operations management is ...
Tell about a world-class athlete. Explain why you include this person in that category.
sajida1A person who plays any kind of a game or performs exercises is called an athlete. Athletes are hard working and use their energy to complete some task. Although many athletes all over the world from different sports are best ...
Describe a family celebration that has special meaning for you.
sajida1Celebrations are the basic part of individual’s life in this world. Whenever there is something to be happy upon, human beings try to celebrate it in different forms. It can be either in the form of decorating houses, and then ...
realization of losing
nehain the time that i stand today it is so sorrowful to admit that a price of a mobile is higher than the price of life of a person. it is just as a pickpocket snatch away your mobile from ...
Engr779Shopping is an action for searching the desired or suitable goods, products in a mall or a store.It is mostly considered that ladies have more intense in shopping than gents.Shopping from a mall or a store is a stiff task ...
IMF Diplomacy
sajida166IMF: The International Monetary Fund (IMF) is an international organization headquartered in Washington, D.C., of “188 countries working to foster global monetary cooperation, secure financial stability, facilitate international trade, promote high employment and sustainable economic growth, and reduce poverty around ...
Fossil Fuel
sajida166Fossil Fuel Fossil fuel which is formed from the remains of animals and vegetation over millions of years is explored out in the form of coal and oils. Pakistan has vast reserves of coal formed through the fossils in Baluchistan ...
Dream House
yaseen21House is the place to stay together with part of our family. A good house is the house that makes the dweller fells so comfortable. My dream house is the house that has complete facility and wide garden. I want ...
Favorite Restaurant
yaseen21McDonald’s is a fast food restaurant chain and “has over 32,000 locations in more than 100 countries around the globe” (McDonald’s website). It is one of most popular fast food restaurants in the world, and preferred by a lot of ...
Cell Phones
yaseen21Cell phones or mobile phones have become a very important part of our daily lives. It is very difficult to imagine our live without a cell phone as most of our work is done using cell phones. The very first ...
yaseen21A relationship between two people can have very different meanings. In some relationships such as two lovers, they can also be best friends because they share good communication. A relationship between a parent and child has a special bond because ...
Lose Weight
yaseen21Losing weight is something almost every person wants to do. It is a difficult process that’s takes determination and motivation. There are many steps involved in this but the most important thing is to stick with it. The first step ...
yaseen21I am a high school student. I go to school every day from Monday to Saturday. I am very busy with my studies. Sunday is my holiday.On Sunday morning, I get up later than usual. After breakfast, I visit my ...
Close Friend
yaseen21Some people come into our lives and quickly go. Some stay for a while and leave footprints on our hearts. A best friend can be someone with whom you’ve known since childhood but can also be someone that you’ve just ...
Traffic Accident
yaseen21Traffic accidents are on the rise these days. Most of the accidents caused injuries or either worse death. Research have found that most of the accidents are caused by inexperienced drivers, for example young drivers. Young drivers tend to be ...
First Job
yaseen21Fist day anywhere is exciting but if it is on the job then the excitement doubles and becomes vast. I ran to the washroom took the bath. I opt for the best dress shirt and dress pant with a perfect ...
yaseen21The word politics comes from the Greek word “polis”, meaning the state or community as a whole. The word politics originally has connotations in the ways in which to create the ideal society. An ideal society is in practice a ...
yaseen21Crime is unquestionably one of the most prevailing and worrying aspects in any society, and its prevention should be taken seriously. Over the last few decades, many cities around the world have seen alarming increases in the levels of youth ...
Modern Gerneration
yaseen21Every generation has grown in different circumstances, cultures and traditions. Nowadays the major influence on new generation has technology. Modern lifestyle is an opportunity to increase their standards. Old people are always saying that the young are not what they ...
yaseen21Criminals are not born but made because of certain conditions in theier lives. Committing crime is definitely not something one is born with, but gradually over time it takes place because of certain situations or circumstances that life throws at ...