Yesterday I was feeling bored so I decided to go out to have fun. I decided to visit the sea shore. When I arrived at the beach I was thrilled to saw that many people were rowing the boats. I ...
Billion Essays Latest Articles
Who makes a better leader: someone who is loved or someone who is feared? Take a position and explain your answer
mehroozEvery sorts of person are living in globe. Everyone has his/ her own way of thinking. Some of them believe that a person can be better leader, who is loved; moreover some of them think a person will be better ...
If it were up to you choose one item from twenty –first century to place in time capsule for future generations, what would you choose? Use specific reasons and examples to support your choice, explaining both item s’ significance and reason why it embodies the culture of the early twenty-first century.
mehroozTwenty-first brought lots of change in our life. Some of change are revolutionary and even the people did not think about. If we compare 21st century with 20th century then we came to know what technological innovation and other things ...
In the past when students did a university degree, they tended to study in their own country. Nowadays, they have more opportunity to study abroad. What are the advantages and disadvantages of this development? You should use your own ideas, knowledge and experience and support your arguments with examples and relevant evidence. Write at least 250 words.
hamza987The evolution of human race from the cave man trying to make fire from rubbing two stones to the one moving into space and discovering new galaxies every day become possible only due to education. It is the only thing ...
When most of the population in developing countries do not have food to eat and place to live, it is immaterial to talk about saving forests as a gesture to protect our environment. The aim should be to utilize maximum land for food production and making homes for the homeless
hamza987Forests are much important due to their natural benefits as these are natural sources and oxygen producers for all the nations. Estimated 25% area of any country should be covered with trees and forest for economic growth and development. Beside ...
If you were given to change, what all changes you would implement in this 21st century to make our world a better living place? Discuss a few changes in not less than 250 words.
zahidMan lives in the society. Man learns speech, manners and philosophy in the society. He works and moves in the society. He earns his livelihood in the society. Society gives protection to his life and property. But sometimes vices creep ...
Medical researchers, cosmetic companies and others often perform experiments on animals. Many people feel that experimentation on animals is wrong and should be stopped immediately
zahidWild animals are a living resource that will die and be replaced by others of their kind. Humans use animals in research in order to advance scientific understanding but animal testing has become a bad science due to many experimenters ...
Many schools offer students who are native speakers of another language the opportunity to take classes in their native tongue so that they can more easily assimilate and better understand the material. Some educators believe that this is a disservice and that these students should be immersed in the English language. How do you fell about this issue? Use specific reasons and examples to support your position
shaguftaNative language is first language or mother tongue that a person learns from his birth. Schools where students acquire their early education. Students prefer to use their native language in schools which they can better understand. English is international language ...
The only effective way to deal with unemployment is to introduce rapid urbanization. How far you agree?
zaheer1Unemployment is a very alarming situation which is rapidly growing in the countries especially in developing countries. When a number of people who cannot get a job is increased due to unemployment, the crime rate will be increased too. A ...
When most of the population in developing countries do not have food to eat and place to live, it is immaterial to talk about saving forests as a gesture to protect our environment. The aim should be to utilize maximum land for food production and making homes for the homeless
zaheer1Population is a total number of people who live in an area or a country and this population is increasing rapidly in developing countries. With this escalation now developing countries intensively have to work on providing food and places to ...
Is it wise for an industry to replace its experienced but old workers with new and young experience less individuals?
zaheer1Today economy of a country has a major participant that is industry. Industry often provide most part of country’s employment. Countries highly depend on its industry development because it’s not only help them groom their country but also raise economy ...
According to some people, elderly drivers should be required to reapply because with ages comes diminished vision, hearing and reaction time. How do you feel about this issue? Explain what you think should be done and why?
zahidDriving has become the necessary part of our lives. However, it can be dangerous. Whenever you drive your vehicle on the roads of the city, it is implicit that you should be patient and drive your car according to the ...
Some educators argue that every child in every school should have access to computers. Others believe that the value of computers in the classroom is overrated and that computers may actually interfere with learning process. In your opinion, how important are computers in the classroom? Use specific reasons and examples to explain your answer.
shaguftaComputer is the key to dominant technological revolutions around the world. Computers play a vital role in every field and profession now. Computer technology has had a deep impact on the education sector. Teaching as well as learning has become ...
“Last year the number of students who enrolled… enrollment and solve its budget problems.”
nehaAs the above argument is given by the President of Humana University himself not a an adroit Statistician so the results derived has the greatest possibilities of being dogmatic and biased, As the author counterbalances his the Humana University with ...
Most Private schools require students to wear uniforms.should public schools students wear uniforms too? Argue for or against school uniforms for public school students.
mananSchool is a place where students enhance their knowledge , skills and ability to groom his or her personality . They also learn in schools how to spend their life in good manner or in good way . These all ...
Many people believe that television violence has a negative effect on society because it promotes violence. Do you agree or disagree? Use specific reasons and examples to support your response.
zahidTelevision is considered to be one of the most important inventions of the twentieth century and even in the twenty first century, television is a powerful medium of mass communication. Television permits us to get educated and entertained but it ...
Some people believe that in order to be effective, political leaders must yield to public opinion and abandon principle for the sake of compromise. Others believe that the most essential quality of an effective leader is the ability to remain consistently committed to particular principles and objectives.
nehaLaw and order for every country is for the benefit and prosperity of the state. All the clauses of every constitution are written in the light of prosperity and progression of the state thus these laws are for public’s best ...
You have been asked to write a brochure to attract visitors to your hometown. Write an essay that convinces people to visit the place where you live.
shaguftaA brochure is an informational pamphlet or leaflet advertising an organization, business, event, product or service. Brochures are a great way to package information in a simple, eye-catching design to grab the attention of potential audience. Hometown refers to a ...
Many states have increased the speed limit from 55 miles per hour to 65 miles per hour or more on major turnpikes and thruways. Do you think it is wise to allow motorists to drive over 65 miles per hour? Why and why not? Explain your position using specific reasons and examples.
mehroozThe question arises whether speed limit of the vehicle should be 65 miles per hour or less than that. There are different kind of people in the world every person has his own opinion. Some of them thinks that speed ...
Some people believe that students are not learning enough in high school should school standard be higher? Explain your answer using specific reasons and examples.
mehroozThe question arises whether high school study is enough or school standard should be higher. This is an open debate either they want to study in high school or school standard be higher. Such kind of things creates conflict among ...
You have been asked to write a brochure to attract visitors to your hometown. Write an essay that convinces people to visit the place where you live.
mehroozMy hometown is Lahore. It is a place where you born and you have been living since your childhood. Even most of your relatives and friends are living in Lahore. There are good memories and bad memories happened in your ...
To understand the most important characteristics of a society, one must study its major cities
nehaIn order to understand the most important characteristics of a society first we need to define a criteria of characteristics, by only specifying we can adjure a true authentic statement. For example, the characteristics we are looking into, composes of ...
According to a recent report, cheating among…… decrease cheating among students.
nehaThe argument given above is a fallacious argument, the author has missed mandatory points in his essay which has resulted in abating his argument. As the author suggests that by using Honor code system in Goverton College, cheating has been ...
health magazine published in Corpora
nehaMedical experts say that only one-quarter of……………….and fitness levels will improve when the economy does
What do you think the government in your country should do to make your country more successful?
harisThe most important and essential body of a country is its Government. It plays a vital role to control the country. The Government should work in positive way to make country powerful and developed. Most of the countries are not ...
What is your all-time favorite movie and why? Write an essay persuading readers to watch this film.
shaguftaMovies provides viewers with fascinating means of entertainment and learning. Movies are of myriad sorts and people watch movies according to their interest and mood, like movies portraying fantasy, horror, action, love story, animated cartoon etc. Movie makers try their ...
Some people go right on to college after high school; others take a year or more off to work or travel. Which do you think is the better choice? State your position and support it with specific reasons and examples.
shaguftaThe choice of college education plays a significant role in a person’s educational as well as professional life. An arbitrary choice may lead a student to a perplexed situation throughout his life. So the decision of college education requires a ...
Money is the single motivational factor for success in any work field. How far you agree with this?
harisMoney is most important thing for human beings. At present time, money is basic need for every human. In my opinion money is not single motivational factor for success in any work field. There are also some other motivational factors. ...
Today, there are more and more reality shows on television. Do these shows make good television? Why or why not? Explain your answer using specific reasons and examples.
zaheer1Shows are great way to get entertained and televisions are working hard to broadcast good, quality shows. Like if we talk about reality shows the name itself tells us that it is about something actual and factual for an example ...
Good habits improve our physical, emotional, and/or financial health. Select one of your good habits and write an essay persuading readers to make that habit a part of their lives.
zaheer1When we think about habits what are they actually? In my opinion habits are the depiction of our personality or our habits built us who we are in real. So we should be very careful while we are making an ...
A few decades ago, many families had half a dozen or more children. Nowadays, more and more families are choosing to have only one or two children. Are smaller families better than larger ones?
zaheer1If we have a look on the current economy situation it is gradually falling down. It became harder and harder to meet the both ends. There are less jobs and lesser opportunities to get a good fair income to take ...
There is an age after which one’s efficiency decreases. Should young people in the working fields replace all the old people?
bahzadEfficiency means performance. Efficiency is a very vital rule in all living things of world. Some people believed that when a man become aged their performance are decreasing so the new generation are taking place of them. I think This ...
Should developing countries pay more attention towards education or improving business standards?
bahzadDeveloping countries are those which are not fully developed and going to progress. some people think that developing nations are concentrate on their education and improve their business standards. Education is a key of success for any nation. If people ...
There is an age after which one’s efficiency decreases. Should young people in the working fields replace all the old people?
shaguftaIn a human life cycle, first stage is childhood when he start his learning. Then he gains more strength mentally and physical and becomes young, energetic and enthusiastic. He feels he can conquer the world by his efforts. He gives ...
Are famous people treated unfairly by the media ? Should they be given more privacy, or is the price of their fame an invasion into their private lives?
bahzadFamous people are those people who are famous all of world. Media is a network which give information what are happening all around the world. Media create important rule in life of celebrities. sometimes media made stories that famous stars ...
Are famous people treated unfairly by the media ? Should they be given more privacy, or is the price of their fame an invasion into their private lives?
shaguftaThe outstanding work causes popularity of a person. He receives a lot of complements and appreciation from others which make him more conscious about his work and tends to give quality results. Media plays a vital role to make a ...
Are famous people treated unfairly by the media ? Should they be given more privacy, or is the price of their fame an invasion into their private lives?
shaguftaThe outstanding work causes popularity of a person. He receives a lot of complements and appreciation from others which make him more conscious about his work and tends to give quality results. Media plays a vital role to make a ...
Life was simpler without so much of technology. Give your views in not less than 250 words.
bahzadScientist believed that technology makes our life simpler, so that wise they invented a lot of new technologies. Some people think that life makes more complicated with coming technology. Without of technology life is simpler and easy. i describes both ...
Time is an important factor in every field. Do you think following strict time limits is more important than giving quality results.
shaguftaImportance of time can be realized by these well-known sayings “time and tide wait for no man.” and “Sometimes there is no next time, no time outs, no second chance, sometimes it’s NOW or NEVER.” Importance of time cannot be ...
Smoking is a bad habit and should be abandoned completely world wide.
shaguftaSmoking refers to the inhalation and exhalation of fumes from burning tobacco in cigars, cigarettes and pipes. According to smokers, smoking is very relieving activity which alleviates the intensity of depression, tension and anxiety. On the other hand, as a ...
Time is an important factor in every field. Do you think following strict time limits is more important than giving quality results. Give your views in not less than 250 words.
bahzadThis is common phenomenon that if time is passed not come back again. Time showed an essential factor in every field of our world. Sometimes a good result takes more time so my point of view is that quality is ...
Children are the impressions of their parent’s behaviour. If a child behaves badly his parents should be considered responsible and should be punished. How far you agree with this.
shaguftaAlthough parents are first source of learning for children. Parents’ behavior and practices in daily life affects children very well. Mostly children’s attitude and behavior reveals their manners and training from their parents. But still this is not always true. ...
Smoking is a bad habit and should be abandoned completely world wide. Give your views in not less than 250 words
bahzadMost of people thinked that smoking effect of our character and destroyed our health. some says that smoking are should be abolished. i agreed with that point of view that smoking is bad habit but i thinked that that it ...
In order keep the students more focused, the sports classes should be stopped in High schools. You think this will be a right approach for a better generation?
shaguftaSchool is the first place for formal learning of children. Learning skills at the early stages has greater impact on children’s upcoming personal, social and educational lives. It is very essential to provide them quality education at this time and ...
What do you think the government in your country should do to make your country more successful
bahzadIn our world, Government is the key of success of any developed country. Every government facing a lot of problems and these problems also affect of their citizen life. Success is very hard to define it means that achievement. I ...
Some parents grow their children in strict discipline while others leave them free to learn lessons of lives on their own. Which is one of these is a better approach and why?
shaguftaParents provide initial and fundamental contribution in learning process of their children. Parents are first role model for their children. They create a certain atmosphere and discipline at their home according to their own beliefs and values. This discipline leaves ...
Animals also have emotions and feel equal pain as humans. We should stop all pharmaceutical companies from doing trails on innocent animals. Give your opinion.
mahenauAnimals are the part of human society. It is observed that animals have always helped man kind in various forms. As animals are hunted for food, their skin is used to provide clothing, furs are used for warmth and protection, ...
Should poor countries continue to receive International Aids?
shaguftaEconomy or economic system of country try achieve balance between production of goods & services and their consumption. A country’s progress and prosperity undoubtedly depends on strength of its economy. If a country’s economy is not strong enough then the ...
Children are the impressions of their parent’s behaviour. If a child behaves badly his parents should be considered responsible and should be punished. How far you agree with this.
bahzadIn our World parents give birth to the children and take care of them until they reached at the staged of maturity. Parents taught their children moral values but sometimes child behave badly and it creates problem for our society. ...
The only way to prevent overcrowding in cities is to prevent migration from rural areas. Give your opinion.
mahenauThe word migration means to move from one place to another. People now-a-days are shifting from rural areas to cities because of various factors. Some of the main reasons of their migration is that they do not get any job ...