Although computer has brought a substantial revolution in advancements in science and technologies of modern era. It diminishes the time and cost required for all the basic and advanced calculations. Error free calculations can be performed so conveniently and efficiently. ...
Billion Essays Latest Articles
Internet has made information so handy, but at the same time, its spoiling our children with all the adult content. Should children be kept away from internet ?
zaheer1Internet is revolutionary invention of a mankind because it can provide you every information at your door step with a blink of an eye. we can communicate with other people live far away from us and can see them while ...
In some countries the average worker is obliged to retire at the age of 50, while in others people can work until they are 65 or 70. Until what age do you think people should be encouraged to remain in paid employment?
zaheer1I believe that the hard work and honesty is the first chapter of the book of wisdom. people spent their lives and dedicated to their lives to the work, and then time comes when they have to leave this. The ...
Working and living abroad helps us to know other cultures well. How far you think working abroad has good or bad impacts on our cultural lives?
shaguftaCulture refers to values and notions which have a great influence on lives of all individuals of a large group. Every country has diversity of cultures. In order to work and live abroad, when a person moves from his homeland ...
Should developing countries pay more attention towards education or improving business standards?
zaheer1Country’s fundamental structure stands on its literacy rate, in other means you can say that its education which is the backbone of a country’s growth. For developing countries, they should put more efforts and extra money on their education sectors ...
Time is an important factor in every field. Do you think following strict time limits is more important than giving quality results.
zaheer1Time is a priceless factor that never stops, it always goes on no matter what you do you can’t get it back once it passed away. In our daily life we should realize the importance of time because time is ...
What do you think the government in your country should do to make your country more successful.
zaheer1When we see the developed nations in the world we ask a question to ourselves how did they pull it? Answer to that question is very simple that they apply some certain procedures and follow some defined rules and make ...
In order keep the students more focused, the sports classes should be stopped in High schools. You think this will be a right approach for a better generation?
zaheer1As it is commonly said that “a healthy body has a healthy mind” so sports and exercises play a vital role in establishing a good health and a good active mind. Sports are the way to show that we are ...
The modern technology is all making things easily available. Internet has provided us the easy dowloadable versions of most books we need. Can internet world replace the world of books and words ?
zaheer1Today internet is most widely used technology in the world. through this we can fetch the information we needed in fraction of seconds on our laptop. No matter how far and how long this piece of information is, we can ...
Some parents grow their children in strict discipline while others leave them free to learn lessons of lives on their own. Which is one of these is a better approach and why?
zaheer1By observing the nature we can see that there is a discipline in every action like sun sets, sun rises and moon lights in the dark it never happens once in mankind history that sun stops setting or stops rising. ...
Computers can easily do all the basic and advanced calculations. Do you think your children should spend more time learning basic mathematics or advanced computer technology.
zaheer1Some people says there is mathematics behind every actions even if a fountain is sparkling a ground you can even predict that where each drop will be landing. Math is a very essential and fundamental part of our life whether ...
Most criminals are set free once they finish their jail terms. Is the re introduction of criminals in societies is justified.
zaheer1It is said that “To err is human”, nobody is perfect in this world. We commit mistakes, sometime they are deliberately and sometime it just happened. we get penalized due to our crime and put into penitentiary. why we put ...
What do you think the government in your country should do to make your country more successful.
mahenauThere are so many things that our government should do for the betterment of the citizens. This essay will focus on some of those things that our country should do to make it successful. Firstly, education is most important sector ...
Women are always better parents than men. How far you agree with this? Give your opinion.
mahenauBoth father and mother are important for a child.Both are equal. Mothers begins at being most important because they carry the baby and then give birth. According to me mothers are always better parents than men because of several reasons ...
In order to keep children more focused, the sports classes should be stopped in High schools. You think this will be a right approach for a better generation?
mahenauSports and games are the ways of enhancing the children’s mental and physical health. Sports provide them energy and strength for their growth. Both studies and sports should go hand in hand because sports are as important as studies. It ...
smoking is a bad habit and should be abandoned completely world wide. Give your views.
mahenauTobacco is enormously harmful for health. Cigarette contains about 600 ingredients. When they burn they produce chemicals. Many of those chemicals are poisonous and causes various diseases. Cigars have high level of carcinogens, toxins and tar than cigarette. Smoking is ...
The modern world technology is all making things easily available. Internet has provided us the essay downloadable versions of most books we need. Can internet world replace the world of books and words? Give your views.
mahenauThe modern world is full of technology. Various machines, gadgets. The modern world is making things easily available for man kind. The purpose of this technology is to help human beings. Internet is a recent invention of 20th century. It ...
Life was simpler without so much of technology. Give your views in not less than 250 words.
mahenauIt can be said that Technology is a gift of God. After the gift of life it is perhaps it is the greatest of God’s gifts. It is the mother of civilizations, of arts and of science. AS we look ...
Some authors believe that urbanisation is a ‘Modern Disease’
bahzadUrbanisation is a process by which people living villages and shifting towards cities for better resources of life.People always shifted that areas where resources are abundances and life are easy. Some people think that urbanisation like a disease, but i ...
Some people believe that only pupils of similar interests should be given admissions in schools.Others are of the opinions that schools should be open to all children with varied interests. How far you agree or disagree with the above views. Give your opnion in not less than 250 words.
bahzadIn our world people have different thinking about the students interest. Some believe that students whose nature and future interest are similar give admission in school, However the other think that school are opened for every children. I totally agreed ...
Children are the impressions of their parent’s behavior. If a child behaves badly his parents should be considered responsible and should be punished. How far you agree?
karimParents play an important role in any person’s life. They are the one with whom children spend most of their childhood. Parents gave there everything for the nourishment of their child. It is believed that children are impression of their ...
In order to keep the students more foused the sports classes should be stopped in high schools. You thiink this will be a right approach for a better generation.
karimSports activities are important to stay physically and mentally fit. Restricting sports classes form high school to keep students focused is not good approach. I encourage such sports activities at high schools that students should be mentally and physically strong ...
Dr. Field and Dr. Karp’s research.
nehaTwenty years ago, Dr. field a noted anthropologist, visited the island of Tertia. Using an observation-centered approach…….interview-centered method
Capital punishment is a brutal decision and should be abolished. Give your views in not less than 250 words if you agree or disagree with it
asfandyarCapital punishment is a legal process, where a person is sentenced to death by the state as a punishment for capital crimes. Capital crimes in Pakistan may include murder, adultery by married person etc. Most of the countries of the ...
Capital punishment is a brutal decision and should be abolished. Give your views in not less than 250 words if you agree or disagree with it
karimCapital punishment is a punishment in which a person who is involved in any sort of severe criminal act like murder will be sentence to death. This procedure is practice in number of countries across the globe. These sorts of ...
argument essay middle aged people n younger spending on department store product
haroon90The argument is comparing the spending pattern of middle aged customers and youngers. They claim that middle aged people spend more on department store product i.e 39% of their retail expenditure and the younger people spend only 25%. It suggests ...
Apogee Company. GMAT Argument Essay. Topic 2.
talib92Management of companies has always been a dissension throughout the world of business. Different organizations have varying opinions regarding the issue and of course based on solid reasons. While some believe that it is efficient to have a centralized organizational ...
argument essay Apogee Company case
haroon90The argument asserts that decentralization has reduced the profits for companies. It used the example of Apogee Company that it used to be more profitable when it was centralized. But now since it is decentralized, costs are higher hence lowering ...
Life was Simpler without so Much of Technology
atifAs Abraham Lincoln says “In the end it’s not the year in your life that count .It’s life in your years”. Clearly indicates one must enjoy each and every moment of life .People are facilitating themselves by making new advancements ...
Olympic Foods. GMAT Argument Essay. Topic 1.
talib92The statement presented in the annual reports has a conclusion drawn on baseless assumptions. It has been assumed that “costs of processing goes down because as organizations learn how to do things better, they become more efficient” which is not ...
GMAT Argument Essay. Excercise 1 (Olympic Foods).
nuclear disbarment
tayyabaThe former Labor government effectively abandoned its advocacy of nuclear disarmament because it considered continued reliance on ”extended nuclear deterrence” provided by the United States to be an essential foundation for Australian defence strategy, according to diplomatic documents released under ...
fuel prices in Pakistan
tayyaba02 Feb, 2015 , Petrol Prices in Pakistan 2015 – Due to the early major fluctuation in international oil market effects directly to the petroleum products prices in Pakistan as well. The summaries of petroleum products are proposed by the ...
USA nuclear budget
tayyabaThe United States maintains a large and diverse nuclear arsenal to deter potential adversaries and to assure U.S. allies and other security partners. The United States will spend at least $179 billion over the nine fiscal years of 2010-2018 on ...
petrol pumps owner in pakistan
tayyabaKarachi, The Karachi Transport Action Committee has demanded of the government to take action against the petrol pump/CNG station owners for closing the business soon as they learn that the rates of petroleum products and CNG are being increased.Ashraf Banglori, ...
cabinet control commitee
tayyabaCabinet committees provide the forum for more detailed consideration and discussion of issues before reference to Cabinet. Unlike Cabinet, officials may be invited to attend the meeting to assist Ministers if the committee wishes.Most Cabinet committees are standing committees of ...
fuel station
tayyabaThat the vehicle fuel station will not substantially increase vehicular traffic on streets in a residential zone, and that the vehicle fuel station will not substantially lessen the usability and suitability of adjacent or nearby residentially zoned property for residential ...
walled city
tayyabaIn association with the World Bank, a project is currently in progress to re-create the “Royal Trail” within the Walled City of Lahore. The objective of this project is to preserve the culture and heritage of the city along with ...
paragraph on delegation.
tayyabaA manager alone cannot perform all the tasks assigned to him.Delegation of Authority means division of authority and powers downwards to the subordinate.Delegation of authority is one vital organizational process. It is inevitable along with the expansion and growth of ...
awais47Ukraine is one of the largest country of United Kingdom and its capital is Kiev. The country got freedom in 1991 and now it is in imperial age. The population of Ukraine includes 77% Ukrainian, 17% are Russian and 4.56% ...
Steps to avoid fighting
awais47Strive to overcome or prevent is known as Fighting. The need of hour is to do respect and have respect or if some one hurts other then the other must puts some positive steps to avoid the fighting, the first ...
paragraph on Fighting
awais47Take part in a violent physical structure is called fighting. Fighting is world worst habit, it diminishes the love between the relations or some times it turned into a serious condition like a murder. Anger is the primary cause of ...
paragraph on tv channels
tayyabaSatellite TV channels are those channels that telecast television programs to the different parts of the world via satellite.Satellite telecasting has added new dimensions to television. Nowadays a huge number of satellite channels telecast wide range of programs of varied ...
paragraph on democracy
tayyabaMany countries have democratic governments now. Democracy means government by the people. All adult citizens of a country have the right to vote in a democracy. This vote is extremely important because it determines the kind of government that comes ...
argument essay Olympic foods report
haroon90The summation of the report is making an ambiguous comparison of two entirely different industries to behave similarly. The reasons given in the statements are not cogent enough to convince the reader that food processing industry will lower its processing ...
argument essay
Some peoples believe that pupils of similar interested be given admissions in schools. Others are the opinions that school should be open to all children with varied interests. Agree or Disagree. . . . .
awais47Schools render experience and education to students. Life is capricious in current century and school is imperative part of a student life to survive, to achieve his goals or become a good citizen of a country. Schools are actually made ...
AWA: Heavy machinery company report
mashalIn the report presented to the board of directors, opinions are voiced regarding the responsibility of the recent falls of quality. It is suggested that the qualification of the purchasing department’s manager fall short on what is required, which leads ...
AWA: The Mercury
mashalThe announcement by a publisher in The Mercury, a weekly newspaper, seek to raise awareness about the current situation of the firm and provide a recommendation to rectify the current crisis. The publisher states that The Mercury has seen a ...
AWA: Memo by city council on the arts
mashalA recommendation in the form of a memorandum is presented by the city’s council for reallocation of the art budget to fund public television instead. The basis for their argument is that while the attendance of museums has seen a ...