In the memo sent by Apogee’s business department, a strong concern for the business’ well-being and profitability is voiced, along with a recommendation to help minimize the cost. The business department feels that closing down the company’s field offices and ...
Billion Essays Latest Articles
AWA: Olympic Foods
mashalIn their 25th annual report, Olympic Foods provides a positive outlook to its stockholders through discussion of its battle plan for the future. In it, the frozen food company talks about how it aims to increase its profitability using the ...
The modern technology is all making things easily available. Internet has provided us the easy downloadable versions of most books we need. Can internet world replace the world of books and words? Give your own views in not less than 250 words.
haniyaThe growth of modern technologies has significantly changed the lifestyles of people. Things such as books, which were once difficult to obtain, are now conveniently accessible. The internet has brought with it a new development known as e-books. E-books are ...
capital punishment is a brutal decision and should be abolished. give your views in not less than 250 words if you agree or disagree with it
haniyaCapital punishment, or a legal death sentence in layman terms, has been a controversial issue that every head of state and government has had to address. According to law, capital punishment is given to those who have committed a capital ...
capital punishment
haniyacapital punishment is a brutal decision and should be abolished. give your views in not less than 250 words if you agree or disagree with it
To understand the most important characteristics of a society,one must study its major cities.
irtazaSociety can be defined by the culture and common history of its natives.In a society people share their fundamental complications and help each other. The assertion that the most important characteristics of a society are to be disseminate us by ...
attaObscure means a thing which is very unclear and its very difficult to understand and express it. Obscure thing will be very vague and doubtful.
attaSevere means something which have very strong and extreme effect. its widely used for something which is very unpleasant and also have very vigorous effects.
attaDauntless means to be fearless and be bold and daring towards your task or challenge. its also can used in meanings of adventurous and audacious.For instance a person who is willing to take risks will be called as dauntless.
attaModerate means something which is reasonable or average but not excessive or extreme. its balanced sort of thing. and can be used for various expressions and things.
attaColdness means the absence and lack of affection or enthusiasm in carrying on your task or responsibility. it can harm your work and responsibilities if you lack interest and work with coldness.
attaArtistic means to artist like characteristic or trait. it is used for the creative skill a person have which is natural and is own. t can also means stylish,creative and even attractive sort of a skill of a person.
attaReprimand means to express criticism for something or to admonish someone for his mistake. its also means to rebuke something bad and ineffective.
attaPhilanthropist is someone who is generous and ind enough to make charities and donations to increase human well-being. These persons are the best people of society because of them the deserving and needy people can also have a better life.
attaClumsy means to have no elegance and grace in movement or any other expression.A clumsy person is not liked by anyone because he looks too rude and boorish in his mannered and posture.
attaVerbose means to have many words. its often used for a speech and any other piece of writing which contains words more than requirement.
attaCharitable means a person who is very big and good-hearted and is kind enough to donate or give something in charity. its also used for organization which collects charities and donations and fulfill its objects and purposes for the betterment ...
attaMundane means tasks and words which are of normal routines and events.these tasks are often small and of regular nature.these regular tasks can also be called as Mundane affairs.
attaSober means a person who give away his habit of drinking alcohol.this term is used for the person who was involve in excessive alcohol consumption but now stays away from this, at this time he will be called as sober.
attaDaring means to be willing to take risk which often involve danger.A daring person is also called as audacious, adventurous and fearless etc. This term is now being widely used in extreme sports and events which involve dangerous challenges.
attaIndustrious means hardworking and diligent. It is used for the person who is very efficient and carry down his tasks with caution and consistency. It a must have quality to achieve desired results and objectives in this age of competition.
attaEndorsement means to approve and support something in public. this term is widely used these days for promoting or advertising a product. Celebrities are also being used to endorse products and ideas these days.
attaCommunicate means to transfer ideas, emotions and information etc. its a very good skill to have and everyone should know how to communicate because communication is used and required in everything today.
attaAversion means to have strong feeling of dislike for something or someone.Antipathy, animosity and loathing are its synonyms. All these words mean strong hate or disgust upon something.
attaEnigmatic means something which is not clear ans is difficult to understand. it can be used for anything which is vague,doubtful,and ambiguous and it becomes very difficult to understand its meaning.
attaOrnamental means a plant and flower which is very beautiful and can be used for ornamental purposes. these ornamental plants and flower can be used in your home,offices,or any other place.
attaBountiful means a person who is freehanded and bighearted and is generous enough to give away something.Bounteous person will have very good reputation among the people because he is willing to give ans share something unstintingly.
attaState means to express or describe your feeling, emotions, ideas and thinking in words.In simple words it means to say or tell something. this word has some other meanings as well for instance,it can also be used for country.
attaSovereign means a person who is rules and is head of the state. it is not controlled by and outside authority or force and is independent. it has greatest status and power in the state.
attaGenuine means something which is not fake and is real and Authentic. This term can be used for goods, product, brands, persons, or ever for emotions as well. but it cam also be used for other things.
attaApplause means commending and clapping in favour of something which you find appreciable or approving.Everyone loves to be praised, so its a good gesture to show support and respect for someone.
attaLoathing means to have severe feeling of dislike or disgust upon someone or something. Sometimes this feeling can be very intense or strong that it can prompt a reaction form any person who is loathing .
attaEccentric is a person who has unusual personality, odd character and is very unconventional sort of person. People sometimes make rapid judgement and can call a person eccentric just because they are different to the opinion or expectations of that ...
attaLawlessness means that there is certain disorder and law is not being followed or implemented.It usually happens because of the failure of the government.It is not a good state to be in either for government or even people at large.
attaUncertainty means to be in doubt or unsure of something.there is uncertainty among the people of Pakistan now a days.They are uncertain about their life in respect of their future, jobs and even education.
attaUncertainty means to be in doubt or unsure of something.there is uncertainty among the people of Pakistan now a days.They are uncertain about their life in respect of their future, jobs and even education.
attaEnthusiasm is the feeling of excitement or enjoyment over something. It is the eagerness to do something which makes us happy and satisfied.It is a good state of emotions which sometimes help to achieve our aims and objectives.
attaIndependent means to not controlled and influenced by anyone. It is usually used for free states and even for self made person. For instance, Pakistan is an independent state since 14 august 1947.
attaAdventurous means a person who is willing to take risks which are sometimes unsafe and dangerous, for sake of thrill or entertainment and for any other purposes. Sometimes people can go too far in adventures that they can harm their ...
attaAnimosity means felling of ill and also a feeling of aversion towards someone. as time passing people are becoming very impatient and cold and sometimes they show this feeling by showing animosity towards someone.
attaBizarre means unusual , uncommon and unconventional things or happenings. The use of this term has increased very much in modern age not because many strange things are happening its because way of thinking and reacting towards something is differ ...
attaBeneficent means to be good for someone and to be very generous. a benevolent person is a useful part of society.due to this quality and person is not only remembered with good words in his life but also after his ...
attaBanal means something old, common and even unoriginal. banal can be used for goods, products, brands, habits or even qualities.
attaAutonomous means to not controlled by anyone and to be independent in your action and is the basic right of human being to remain autonomous and have no influence of powerful people on his own will, and opinions. its ...
attaAudacious means to have no fear and to be brave.its very must have quality in this age but it does not meant that you become too fearless that you attention may turn towards anarchy or lawlessness. because balance is what ...
attaAssiduous means to remain consistence and industrious towards something. its very important to carry on your work with great care and attention because after all at the end slow and steady always wins the race.
attaAscetic means to abstain from certain things and adopt simplicity in certain regards. its a great quality to have because you look more artless and true by becoming ascetic then to have showy or cold personality.
attaArtless means more natural and simple thing or person. In this age where everyone is trying to show off in some regards, its a very good quality to have in you. Artless person will b more natural and acceptable than ...
attaArduous means a work or task which require great effort and is very burdensome.This term is especially used when there is requirement of enormous physical effort to complete such task or work.
attaAppease means to calm down someone relieve him of his stress or sadness. Everybody needs support and if you have a chance to appease someone then you should calm down or relieve him because it will not only bring peace ...