Apathy means to have lack of interest and coldness for something. its not a good thing to have because due to apathy sometimes a person can effect his work and life. So, we should avoid apathy and work with enthusiasm.
Billion Essays Latest Articles
attaAnalogous means to have some similarity. it does not mean that a thing which is analogous to another are exactly alike rather it means that its have resemblance and correspondence in some manner but they are not copy of each ...
attaAlacrity means to have eagerness, liveliness and eagerness for something. Alacrity is very useful quality to have for achieving your goals, because it keeps you focus and confident towards your aims.
attaAdulterate means to mix things with intention of making high profits. its very ill and foul practice.Every society hates those persons which mix inferior goods with good quality goods and tries to fool buyer. In Islam It is condemned very ...
attaTo be abstemious is a great thing, it means that a person has good self control and he is moderate in consuption of edible things and also potable drinks as well. one of its best practice come in muslim religion ...
hibbaThe first antibiotic was “Penicillin” which was discovered by Alexander Flemming in 1929. Medicine which is used to kill or slow down the growth of bacteria is known as ” Antibiotic”.Furthermore, it can be used to treat and cure those ...
Government should build more libraries then community centers? Agree Or Disagree
attaGovernment is the rulling authority, Which works for the developement of country and for the betterment of the people at large. Libraries are the organize collections of books maintained in easy to use and easy to read manner. Whereas, Community ...
Pneumonic Plague
hibbaPneumonic plague is one of the major forms of plague which is an intense type of lung infection. The other types of plagues are bubonic and septicemic, depends on which part of a body is affected. Pneumonic plague is an ...
Septicemic Plague
hibbaPlague is an infectious disease which is contagious in nature. One of the three main forms of plague is septicemic plague that usually spreads through the bite of an infected flea.It occurs when the bacterium “pestis” enters the blood stream ...
Dam Square
attaDam Square, or simply the Dam, is a town square in Amsterdam, the capital of the Netherlands. Its notable buildings and frequent events make it one of the most well-known and important locations in the city. The Dam derives its ...
Dutch Republic
attaDutch Republic, formerly Republic of the United Netherlands, state whose area comprised approximately that of the present Kingdom of the Netherlands and which achieved a position of world power in the 17th century. The republic consisted of the seven northern ...
Life is a journey
gulraizYou never obtain what you always desire. The obstacles of life walk hand in hand with fortunes. You must overcome these obstacles with detaching the feelings of fear. Fear is an abstract. It does not exist in real. Life is ...
why education is necessary in our life
arbabEducation in its general sense is a form of learning in which the knowledge, skills, values, beliefs and habits of a group of people are transferred from one generation to the next through story telling, discussion, teaching, training, and or ...
why population increase now a days in the world
arbabA population is a summation of all the organisms of the same group or species, which live in the same geographical area, and have the capaCbility of interbreeding.China population was 136781000.Pakistan population was 188099000 etc.there was 7 billion people life ...
modern age communication
arbabit amazing what communication in a modern world can do.with just a flip of phone a man can enter in a new world just like old movies.The people around may have no clue where the person is, eventhough they are ...
sindh sinned
saba486people’s party has sindh .His party has also sinned.Bilawal bhutto enters again and he faces this brutal truth.there is no orignality and maturity now in people’s party .the slogan of bilawal bhutto ‘marsoo marsoo sindh na daisoo ‘ is mocked.even ...
mismanaging climate change
saba486Pakistan’s extremely vulnerability to climate change is open to the government. Its economy is adversely effected by recent floods and natural calamities.if the this attitude of government will continue it could effect the burden of $6-14 billion per year There ...
Face to face communication is better than emails, letters or phone calls?…. agree/ disagree
zebCommunication means the sharing of one’s thoughts, ideas, intention, emotions, problems, joys and greeting with others. With the advancements in technology, world have become a global village. People can easily communicate with each other via mobile, telephone, internet or fax. ...
People work because they need money…. what are the other reasons that people work..?
zebIn present days, thinking of people has become very materialistic. People find happiness in material things like big houses, cars, expensive clothes and luxurious lifestyle. Therefore, everyone is trying to make more and more money by any means. Money has ...
Progress is always good? agree/ disagree
zebIn last few decades, man has made tremendous progress in every field like science, technology, economy etc. This progress has facilitated people in many ways but if we observe closely it is not always good. It has many demerits as ...
Choose one of the following transport vehicles which has changed people’s lives 1.. automobiles 2. bikes 3. airplanes
zebTransport is the movement of people, animals and goods from one place to another. Transport is very important for the development of civilizations. Modes of transport are air, water and roads. Roads are used for the transportation of automobiles, bikes, ...
Attending a live performance is more enjoyable than watching the same event on TV? agree/ disagree
zebIn the present days, life of almost everyone has become very hectic and boring due to busy routine either because of study, job or household works. Everyone needs enjoyment to get rid of this boring routine. Some people have interest ...
Bussiness should hire employees for their whole lives? agree/disagree….
zebThe main objective of a business is to make more and more profit. Employees play most important role in success of a business organization. So, a company must be careful in appointing workers. Some people believe that a business should ...
Decision can be made quickly, or they can be made after careful thought. Do you agree or disagree? Decisions that make quickly are always wrong. Use reasons and example to support your opinion.
shahnaiIn our everyday life we have to face many situations which require decisions to be made. Decision is the act or process that helps to reach our conclusion or destination. Decisions can be complex or can be very simple it ...
kanwal4Overpopulation is an undesirable factor that means a large number of humans on earth.Overpopulation is one of the major drawback for the progress of the Country because a boomed number of individuals interfere in country’s economy.Overpopulation leads a country to ...
Governments should spend subsidize on education than on recreation and sports. Do you agree or disagree?
shahnaiEducation, sports and recreations these are all those elements that determines a country progress. Sports and recreations are important because these are require to make people physically and mentally healthy and if we have healthy community its mean that country ...
Some people believe that college and university education should be available to all the students. Some believe that it should be available only for high grade students? Give your opinion. Which view do you agree with?
shahnaiUniversity and college is a place where students get knowledge, information, skills, both practical and theoretical knowledge. Learning is a lifetime process, at every step of life the person is learning something new. Therefore its the right of all the ...
preserve old, history buildings or destroy and replace them with modern buildings?
zebNo nation can progress without preserving its history. If a country destroys its monuments; how would future generations know about the lifestyle of their forefathers, their culture, their way of living and old civilizations and social values? Some people think ...
Scottish vote might lead to further splits
mohsin49Britain has a history of 307 years, where three countries England, Ireland and Scotland are united to make one big Empire. Previously they were at war with each other England was dominant and defeated both countries to make a single ...
If you have received a gift of money by luck…. Money is enough to buy your favorite jewelry or to attend your favorite live concert… what would you choose?.. Why…..?
zebLuck is something that happens to a person by chance. It might be good or bad. Good luck is the thing which is most desirable like win a prize bond, get money bonus, or save from an accident etc. If ...
Is it better to enjoy your money when you earn or is it better to save some money for future? give your opinion?….
zebHuman life does not always move on the same pace. It’s like a roller coaster and therefore characterized by many ups and downs. Life takes a sudden turn from smooth path where man has to face many hurdles so he ...
Some people spend their entire life in one place…. but some people like to move to different place for getting good job, house ,community and climate.. what would you prefer?
zebChange is the spice of life. Without this spice life would be dull and tasteless. Life itself is not static it has to move forward. It’s in human nature that he always love to change, he always want to get ...
should developing countries pay more attention towards education or improving business standards
shamsarelated to developing countries
should developing countries pay more attention towards education or improving business standards
shamsarelated to developing countries
should developing countries pay more attention towards education or improving business standards
shamsarelated to developing countries
working and living abroad help us to know other cultures well. how for you think working abroad has good or bad impacts on our cultural lives?
shamsaits about our cultural lives
life was simpler without so much technology.
shamsaits about tecnology
It has recently been announced that the new high school may be built in your community. Do you support or oppose this plan. Give reason and support your answer.
marriamHigh school is the level of schooling that provides the students with the secondary level of education till intermediate. Schools must be built in communities. Communities are the area in a town, city where a lot of people live together ...
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement that the television,magazines and other media pay too much attention to the personal lives of the famous people such as public figures and celebrities. use specific reasons and details to explain your answer.
marriamTelevision,magazines and other media are the sources of entertainment. They provide us information about the outer world. They are the sources of relaxation and enjoyment.People get relaxed after watching movie and reading newspaper after a hectic life.They provide us the ...
Some people believe that the earth is being harmed by human activity?Some think that human activity is making earth a worth living place.. give your opinion?
zebHuman activity for earth is their ways of living on it. Human beings are continuously affecting the earth either in consciously or subconsciously. These actions have both negative and positive effects on earth. Some people believe that human beings are ...
TV channels, newspapers, and magazines are paying more attention to the personal life of celebrities or public figure ? agree / disagree
zebCelebrity or public figure is a person who is well-known and is center of public attention in media, newspapers and magazines such as an actor or actress, an athlete, a politician etc. Does public figure means “no privacy”? This is ...
It has recently been announced that the new movie theatre may be built in your neighbourhood . Do you support or oppose this plan. Give reason and support your answer.
marriamNeighbourhood is a community within a city, town or rural area. It is the place where a lot of people live together and having a face to face interactions. They meet each other and share new ideas. Help each other ...