Neighbourhood is a community within a city, town or rural area. It is the place where a lot of people live together and having a face to face interactions. They meet each other and share new ideas. Help each other ...
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It has recently been announced that the new movie theatre may be built in your neighbourhood . Do you support or oppose this plan. Give reason and support your answer.
marriamNeighbourhood is a community within a city, town or rural area. It is the place where a lot of people live together and having a face to face interactions. They meet each other and share new ideas. Help each other ...
If you were an employer, which kind of worker would you prefer to hire: an inexperienced worker at a lower salary or an experienced worker at a higher salary?
shahnaiEmployers are those individuals who serve an organization and inreturn get some reward. Some employers usually prefer to hire inexperienced employees at low salary. I think, a company should prefer to hire experienced employee with a good salary package. There ...
Should a city try to preserve its old, historic buildings or destroy them and replace them with modern buildings?
shahnaiHistorical buildings are basically gives image of the culture of a nation. The nation’s who remember their past always do progress because the history gives and alive a nation’s norms and values among generations. Some people may support that historical ...
time is an imortant factor in every you think following strict time limits is more important than giving quality results.
shamsaimortance of time management
Should poor countries countinue to receive international aids?
shamsaeassy relates to under developed countries
Should poor countries countinue to receive international aids?
shamsaeassy relates to the poor countries.
A person you know is planning to move to your town or city. What do you think this person would like and dislike about about living in your city or town
marriamCity is a relatively large and permanent human settlement. People used to live together do jobs, students go to schools,universities and colleges. Every city must have educational institutes , hospitals, recreational points,restaurants and all basic necessities of life.My friend is ...
we all work with different kinds of people . In your opinion what are the characteristics of good co workers.
marriamCo workers are the people that work under the same employer , in same organization,environment and rules. These are the people that work with you in order to make their organization meets its goals.There are some properties that every co ...
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Playing games teaches us about life.
shahnaiGames gain many positive features to people and develop them in many ways by contributing.I strongly agree that playing games teaches us about life.First of all,playing games improve sense of competition between people.Most people go to the pitch to play ...
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? There is nothing that young people can teach older people. or Knowledge is better than experience.
shahnaiKnowledge sharing is always the give and take thing in life, it doesn’t matter if a youngster teaches the elder.We respect and obey our elders, because they are more experienced and knowledgeable then us, so whatever they say it almost ...
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? It is more important for students to study history and literature than it is for them to study science and mathematics.
shahnaiIn my opinion, its as important for students to study science and mathematics as it is for them to study history and literature. Now a days, there are a large number of organizations that require science and mathematics knowledge. These ...
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? People are never satisfied with what they have; they always want something more or something different. Use specific reasons to support your answer
shahnaiIn this highly competitive world each and everybody wants to be different from each other, their dreams are different. Each day we dream about our goals and to change our self from others. I agree to the above statement that ...
Agree or disagree? Parents or other adult relatives should make important decisions for their older (15-18 yrs) teenage children.)
shahnaiTeen age is a that life stage time period in which children want to become independent. At this stage there is a great influence from their peers, therefore the child thought that they are now mature enough to take their ...
Is it better for the children to grow up in country side than in a big city. Do you agree or disagree?
marriamIt is better for the children to grow in a big city than in the countryside, so the life there is more convinient. There are many highways and long, big bridges which make transportation esier. With so may transport means ...
It has been recently announced that a cinema may be built in your neighborhood ?Do you support or oppose this plan? why…
zebMovie Theater or cinema is becoming popular these days especially among teenagers. They like to chat about incoming movies. Cinema is a favorite pastime of many people. Some people go to cinema just to enjoy movie but some people have ...
What are some important qualities of a good supervisor . Use specific details and examples to explain why these qualities are important?
marriamSupervisor is the person who is the employer under which employees work. There are certain good qualities of a good supervisor. He should be punctual, he should always on time. Arrange meetings and reach on time . He should give ...
It has recently been announced that the new restaurant may be built in your neighborhood. Do you support or oppose this plan?
marriamRestaurant is the place of having meal with family and friends. There are different types of restaurants Like fast food, continental, Chinese, Italian etc. I have heard that the new restaurant is going to open near my house . After ...
It has recently been announced that the new restaurant may be built in your neighborhood. Do you support or oppose this plan?
marriamRestaurant is the place of having meal with family and friends. There are different types of restaurants Like fast food, continental, Chinese, Italian etc. I have heard that the new restaurant is going to open near my house . After ...
Teenagers should do job during their student life? agree/ disagree
zebTeenage is very precious time of life. This includes years before adolescence. It is the age when people like to have fun. In fact it is period of age when people like thrill and excitement. Some people believe that it’s ...
It is important for children to grow up in a countryside than in a big city?Agree / disagree
zebCountryside is an area away from the town or a city. Life is very different in a big city and in countryside. In big cities many facilities are available like electricity, better transport big houses but people living in countryside ...
University students should be required to attend classes. other believe that going to class should be optional for students.
marriamUniversity is the place where education of higher level is given to students . Students are the future of a nation. So, it’s their duty to seek knowledge and severe their society and nation. According to my point of view ...
many people visit museum when they travel to new places.Agree or disagree
marriamMuseums are the place where the left over of a nature or a culture is preserved. They contained commonly used dresses, horses, swords, bombs, books of the king and the empires of that era. People usually like to visit museum ...
When people succeed it is because of hard work. luck has nothing not do with success. Agree or disagree
marriamSome people become successful in their lives after becoming assiduous. They only become successful because of effort and according to them luck doesn’t play a role in success. I disagree with this point of view that in order to get ...
television has destroyed communication among friends and family agree or disagree
marriamTelevision is the source of relaxation and be in touch with the outer world . Through television we can relax after arduous work. We can see what is going on in our country and in the outer world. We can ...
television has destroyed communication among friends and family agree or disagree
marriamTelevision is the source of relaxation and be in touch with the outer world . Through television we can relax after arduous work. We can see what is going on in our country and in the outer world. We can ...
Anything to change about my hometown
marriamEverything in this universe is impulsive. The advancement of technology brings change. If I were ever given a chance to improve something about my home town. I want to improve its power supply. Electricity shortage is the main curse now ...
not everything that is learned is contained in books
marriamLearning is continuous process it is the acquisition of knowledge through skills, experiences,books and what is being taught.Knowledge is learned through experience and books both. Learning is the process that starts when the child born till his death. When a ...
parents are the best teachers agree or disagree
marriamParents are the guiders who guides the children at every step of life.They guides us the difference between right or wrong from their personal experiences. I agree with this point of view that parents are the best teachers.They are the ...
Some people are always in a hurry to go places and get things done. Other people prefer to take their time and life at a slower pace. Which do you prefer.
shahnaiNow a days, life has become very fast. People have to complete there tasks with great speed. In other words, today’s life is just like a fast machine. But this fast movement in life have many disadvantages as well i-e ...
some movies areserious, designed to make the audiance think. Other movies are designed primarily to amuse and entertain. Which type of movie do you prefer.
shahnaiSome people may prefer to watch funny, entertainment movies. I prefer to watch serious movies. There are many advantages for watching such types of movies. These movies become a source of knowledge, improve our lives skills, improve behavior and ultimately ...
Should government spend more money on roads/highways or on improvement of public transport?Give your opinion..
zebPublic transports include vehicles on which people travel because they do not have their personal transport like cars, bikes etc. Some people say that government should give more money for roads, highways, and other modes of transportation while others think ...
Important qualities of a good supervisor or boss?
zebBoss is a person, either man or woman, who is in charge of an organization, a political party, a school, a private business etc. A boss is a person who has authority to give orders and the persons working under ...
A company is going to give money either to support the arts or to protect the enviornment. What do you think the company should choose.
shahnaiArt is related to the aesthetic beauty, decoration, depiction of the culture and coustem, and someone thoughts, imagination. On the other hand, environment deals with our life i-e it includes water, plants, air etc, all those things that are require ...
One should never judge a person by external appearance. Agree or disagree.
shahnaiA person should never judge other people by their external appearances. Always the external beauty that usually attracts someone is not actual be a result of good heart. I want to share my experience to support my openion. Once i ...
some people believe thatsuccess in life comes from taking risks or chances, others believe on carefull planning. In your openion, what does success come from.
shahnaiSuccess means that a person achieve whatever he desires, aims. Success can be achieved if there is an opportunity, without any opportunity success will not be achieved. Some people may think that success has related with opportunity only. As far ...
Some people think that they can learn better by themselves ?Others think that it is always better to have a teacher ?which do you prefer?
zebPeople who give knowledge about anything are called teachers. People who teach students about specific subject in a school, college or university are formal teachers but there are some other people like our parents who give us knowledge about ethics ...
It has recently been announced that a new restaurant may be built in your neighborhood.Do you support or oppose this plan?Why?Use specific reasons and details..
zebRestaurant is the place where people pay to sit and eat meals which is served to them. For some people, it just a place to eat food but for many others it’s their favorite pastime. I am also one of ...
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Face-to-face communication is better than other types of communication, such as letters, email, or telephonecalls. Use specific details andreasons to support your answer.
shahnaiCommunication is a process through which people can express and transfer their feelings, emotions, ideas with other person. Their are many sources of communication now a days. Due to the advancement in technology people can communicate through emails, letters etc. ...
What are the qualities of good neighbors in your opinion? Use specific reasons and examples in your answers?
zebPeople who are living near us are our neighbors. These include people living in same street or in a colony. Neighbors are very important in our life. As whenever we are in any trouble, neighbors are the people who can ...
people work beacause they need money to live. what are some other reasons that people work? discuess one or more of these reasons.
shahnaiMoney is the main thing that a person need to fulfill their necessities of life. Without work its not possible to earn money. But their are some other reasons in my openion for whom people do work. The first reason ...
malzsuccess is a very relative term that holds a different meaning to each person.Ofcourse success includes fame,wealth,status but its upto any individual with which factor he relates ,success to.but the real spirit of success lies in striving and endeavoring independently ...
malzits been quite sometime that many wearable devices and mobile app including the most unique APPLE are in demand.but the problem arises as there are frequent breach of a privacy.the trackers penetrate easily and gather all the data including employment ...
saba486Childhood is a golden period of life which is free from all worries ,tension and complications.this era of life is best part of life because unforgettable moments linked to childhood because at this stage minds are innocent and unbiased kids ...
What do you want in your friend?
kanwal4A true friend is a blessing of Allah.A friend should be loyal,true,sincere,good listener,understandable,loving and caring.Friend is a person who can listen and understand when you are in trouble.It is a devoted and magnified relationship.When there is no around to share ...
What are some important qualities of a good supervisor (boss)?
kanwal4To be a boss or supervisor is a hardship task that requires more affection and interest towards his duties.The supervisor should have the qualities of understanding,trustworthy,good leader,good communicator and responsible.He or she should have commendable approach and versatility of thoughts.Boss ...
build castle in the air
saba486some people have habit of daydreaming and they only make images and pictures in mind without doing any effort and make themselves happy by building castle in air it is useless act which has no foundation. everybody who gained some ...
nuclear family system
saba486today mostly new generation is in the favour of separated family system where there is liberty of decisions and freedom of previous time people did not like the follower of this practice this is expense way of living in ...
judging by apperence
saba486physical get up and out look do not represent the thoughts and nature of a person and it is also wrong that first impression is last impression because with stranger our behaviour is very formal and reserve we do not ...
Neighbours are the people who live near us. In your opinion, what are the qualities of a good neighbour?
kanwal4Neighbours are the people who lives closet to you.The good qualities of the neighbours are that they should be trustworthy,helpful,friendly and understanding.A neighbour has always a knowledge about what is happening around the four boundaries.So he or she should be ...