now a days people are becoming more addicted to drugs and the usage of this practice spoil the health of human beings badly and its not easy to give up this practice so authorities should be condemn and impose restriction ...
Billion Essays Latest Articles
Some people prefer to eat at food stands or restaurants. Other people prefer to prepare and eat food at home. Which do you prefer?
kanwal4Food gives a nutritional support to every living as a basic necessity of life.Food safety and security are monitored by different agencies around the world.In order to give preference to eat food outside or at home I would prefer to ...
How do television and movies influence the people s behaviour?
kanwal4Television and movies contains various contents of categories.Some people weep by watching miserable drama,some thrilled by watching threatened movies,some laugh by comedy and some stressed by depressed news.In order to discuss about influence on behaviour of people we can split ...
energy crisis
saba486from last one decade the electricity problem is becoming alarming and from bad to effects every field of life and the main reason which is bottleneck for booming economy is electricity problem our corrupt management is also responsible for ...
A company has announced that it wishes to build a large factory near your community.Discuss the advantages and disadvantages for this new influence on your community
kanwal4Community is a place where group of people live in a form of community.including all age groups of people like children,youngsters,adults,oldies means all.In order to discuss about the facts when it is proposed to build a industry in your community ...
divorce in pakistan
saba486divorce rate is rapidly increasing in our country there are many reasons behind this practice. Now people have lack of patience and tolerance furthermore there is also mismatch of partner like if one is educated other partner is not there ...
Death penalty
malzthe law of capital punishment is a biggest violation of human rights.currently ,it is strongly condemned by a huge nuumber of cultured communities.A resolution was introduced in united nations in 2007 for a universal ban on death penalty .it will ...
malzThe field of fashion is an entirely different cosmos.undoubtedly,it has ameliorated over the past several decades.Fashion weeks in milan or paris are most awaited events and attract thousands from around the world.Its a lucrative and profitable business and accentuates the ...
Facebook hazards
malzHardly anybody had imagined the deteriorating effects of facebook when it was founded.Now the users are in billions all across the globe.the mania of updating statuses,pictures and escalating the friend list has led to a wastage of valuable time,especially among ...
malzcomics have been quite popular among kids and adults since decades.and now the ideology of these comic superheros is being utilized into high budget movies and television series.Iron man,super man,spider man,hulk are few characters that inspire kids.Comic reading has become ...
jemima khan
malzA vast majority of pakistanis loathe and detest the ex-wife of pakistani politician Imran khan.Its largely due to the conservative and religious inclination of people and then many political opponents use it as a tool to dissuage the imran khan ...
successful students
malzAn interesting and intriguing resesrch divulge that most successful students had one or more teachers who were mentors and took a keen interest in the aspirations and education.such pupils are twice as likely to be engaged in their work and ...
argentina capital
malzArgentina is coming up with a proposal of move their capital from Buenos Aires to much smaller and rural city of santiagodel Estero.but the general belief is that such a change could morph the political situation.that is unlikely to brazil,who ...
some parents grow their children in strict discipline while others leave free to learn lesson of lives on their own
moeenOne of the most aesthetic and majestic relation of the world having mother and father where a person encompasses everything.Parents are very kind and faithful with their children,they fulfill fundamental necessaries and forgive all the trespasses. the endeavor to nurture ...
Effective listening is more important than talking
kanwal4No doubt that effective listening is more important than talking because when we listen carefully,acknowledge ourselves,try to learn and listen more and more then we can make ourselves more capable for talking.To gain knowledge and being capable of attractive talking ...
The facts on Junk food
kanwal4Junk food is a term of food that has a little nutritional values and a huge content of fats,calories,sugar and salt.Experts agree that the junk foods are a huge contributor of Blood pressure,Diabetes even Strokes.Companies spend over millions and billions ...
What is the first thing comes to your mind when you see the word FUTURE?
kanwal4By Future we mean to say that something that will exist or happen in the time yet to come.As a human being we have distinct thoughts and approaches.we daily have a lot of thinkings, future plans etc.But we usually set ...
horrible places
moeenMyth about horrible places is still riddle. There are places which i examine personally, it was about two years when i visited my home town Kasur,it is a historical place where houses were built in 18th century. Some of them ...
universities need better governanace to face challenge
moeenIn pakistan when student pass through their intermediate or A-level exam,it needs to go further higher education. unfortunately,university are not been operated properly due to the burden of the students.large number of students are been get admission in the universities. ...
What should a government do for a country to be successful?
kanwal4Government is a source for the success of a country by figuring out the progressive strategies and developmental programmes.The actions that must be followed by government in different domains are: The protection of life of citizens The improvement and progress ...
Are women better parents than men?
kanwal4Parents are a gift of Allah for their children.They protects, care, cure, love and nourish their children with full affection and attention.Parents are a precious gift.Both have a magnified impact on their children but if we want to make comparison ...
issues of corporal punishment
saba486corporal punishment is a very bad practice and it should be strictly condemn and ban in schools because children lose their self confidence and scared they will not feel comfortable with teachers and get more stuborn.this frigtend relation is not ...
malzThe innovative computor devices and electronic equipement have made the lives of people quite at ease.It has also turned the world into a glabal village.The trend of using computors for professional usage is becoming is irrefutable that this would ...
studying abroad
malzThe practice of going abroad and exploring new horizons to achieve success,is becoming quite exuberant.While,some people believe it to be an outstanding opportunity to leap forward,but there are quite a few who prefer staying at home due to myraid fears ...
average retirement age
malzThe advent of modern technological era,has plunged mankind into a rat race of endless competition.this has led to a controversial situation where some people are compelled to retire as early as 50years,considering them inefficient.while,on the other hand ,in some countries,people ...
Apple iphone 6
moeentechnology plays a vital role in in the modern improves our lives day by phone which have comprehensive role in our lives.two days ago apple iphone 6 and iphone6 plus has launched,it seems like to be manifest of ...
Education system in pakistan
moeenEducation means to gain knowledge not only their subject but also learn how to live and sophisticated way of manner. Educational institute teach how to organize our time and manage our social life. Unfortunately,Pakistan face many problems in the field ...
Education system in pakistan
moeenunfortunately pakistan has no education system as developed country.
pulic transport advantages
saba486people use different means of transport some have personal vehicle some use use buses,vans trains,subways.public transport is best and fast way to reach at destination usually those people who do not have private cars use buses but it is also ...
brain drain
saba486migration of highly skilled and intelligent people to other countries and areas is called brain is a great loss of home country because cream of region moves to other places and provide their precious services and skills to other ...
importance of education
saba486in this world of competition where everyone try to beat other the education is becoming necessary to survive in this society and to live a better life. Education is the stepping stone which makes the way more easier and convenient. ...
rural life
saba486life of rural areas and villages is very tough and complicated .mostly people’s profession linked to agriculture. The literacy rate is very low people are simple and innocent whether there is no standard of life but you can enjoy the ...
saba486inflation is when too much money chasing to few usually occurs when supply goes short and demand for things goes up than prices also goes up. Inflation adversely affect the economy of a country .majority of people live in ...
Favourite Personality
kanwal4I have met a lot of people in my life and i realized that it is very difficult to identify a person who is your favourite, our opinion as a human being keep on changing. But one person in this ...
Hostel life
kanwal4Life is a name of existence.We spend our lives according to the demand of time or as our nature of living.Life is also another name of struggle who wants to achieve success.Home is no doubt a best place to live ...
Increasing number of students enrollments in a college and average rent increased in the town nearby the college should be sufficient to build new dormitories in college for extra students.
mehranThe argument must be invalid and has following wrong assumptions: The increasing number of enrollments does mean it will be going as it is to next 50 years or will be doubled over next 50 years, The average rent in ...
Increasing number of students enrollments in a college and average rent increased in the town nearby the college should be sufficient to build new dormitories in college for extra students.The argument must be invalid and has following wrong assumptions: The increasing number of enrollments does mean it will be going as it is to next 50 years or will be doubled over next 50 years, The average rent in the town increased does mean that every apartment in town had increased same amount of rent. The argument states that the college should build a number of new dormitories because college enrollment is growing and can be doubled over next 50 years. If enrollment is growing now does not mean it will be going, as it is, over next 50 years. There are quite much chances that after next few years the enrollment will decrease and if we build the dormitories just for the sake of future inadequate space for students, then there can be an issue of extra space for students as well. The current trend is not enough to indicate the next 50 years enrollments. However, if there is inadequate space for current enrollments and this happens over the past few years then it is reasonable to build as much dormitories as needed by current students. The argument also indicated the evidence that there is increasing average apartment rent in the town so college should build dormitories. Average rent increment in town does not ever mean the rent increment of every apartment available in town. For example, if there are some luxury apartments that charge $900 for one room and there are other economical apartments as well that charge $350 for one room, so average is being increased by such luxury outliers. So it is not reasonable to build new dormitories by just seeing the average rent increased in town. However, If we have proper data and statistical results about apartment rents in the town then we could be more specific about our decision and can take that decision in the light of facts and figures. As without any proper facts and statistical analysis, there are no such chances that students will find it difficult to afford off-campus housing. Hence there are also no evidence that increasing rent in town is of every apartment in town or not, and enrollment is growing current years does not mean it will be do so next 50 years as well.
mehranThe argument must be invalid and has following wrong assumptions: The increasing number of enrollments does mean it will be going as it is to next 50 years or will be doubled over next 50 years, The average rent in ...
Reading comics only rot the children’s mind than to provide any good education . Agree/ Disagree.
tehminaBehind minds , its not comics that matters its ”READING ” that matters and relates to one’s intellectual property. Actually if we talk about different educational sources of our time ,one word ”INTERNET” would shelter all means and medium. Internet ...
Capital punishment is a brutal decision and should be Abolished. Agree/Disagree
tehminaAlthough , the word ”Capital Punishment” itself seems brutal but regardless of its nature , often incidence of abhorrence and violence in countries create such an horrifying quaggy circumstances for present and future generations that ultimately challenges law to accommodate ...
Many people like to wear fashionable clothes Why do you think this is the case? Is this good thing or bad thing?
rashidLots of individual nowadays, are keen on going with the flow, most especially in the new trend of stylish design in apparel clothing. This has been obvious with the people living in the rural area. A city lifestyle is required ...
riting Task 2 Topic: While studying some students take weekend or evening jobs to help with expenditure. How do you feel about this? What are the drawbacks and benefits of such a decision. Give reasons and relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.
rashidIt is quite evident that a lot of students opting for some kind of part time jobs besides their studies nowadays. Key driver for opting multiple choices is the urge to earn money alongwith studies to fulfill some of the ...
My happiest moment in my life
uzmaThere are many happy moments in my life but i will describe here my importent life event.3 years back when my brother and my sister got married.there was so elacrity among all the family members and i was waiting for ...
My favourite dress
uzmaThere are many dresses i love to wear but one of my most favourite and relaxing dress is shalwar qameez because it suits me alot and i want to follow the traditions of my country.some times i also use to ...
uzmaCo education mean where girls and boys both are studying together in one university and in one has great advantages that through this system girls become more confident to face the hurdles.there can be a great competition among boys ...
energy crises
uzmaToday we are having greatest problem and that is energy crises.its because we dont have enough dams.Govt is not showing interest towards it.there is lack of cooperation.lack of mismanagement.corruption,these are the main reasons but we can solve these issues if ...
Technology developments
uzmaTechnology mean to use the science in industry and engineering to solve is changing our environment due to the latest advancements.through mobiles we can chat with each other at any time then share pics and can easily search out ...
who is the responsible of our old people attitude
uzmaMostly there are different upper class families who are responsible of their parents.because in high class families they damn care to their parents and when the childrens get married they send their parents to the old age home but in ...
Successful sports professionals can earn a great deal more money than people in other important professions. Some people think this is fully justified while others think it is unfair. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.
Since media is highlighting sports stars as celebrity sports is becoming most exotic novelty to juveniles, and encouraging them to be a sportsman, but playing and practicing is not enough, in order to be a professional one need a proper ...
Being a celebrity-such as famous film star or sports personality-brings problems as well as benefits. Do you think that a being a celebrity brings more benefits or more problems?
rashidA well known film actor or a sports player while enjoy some benefits, also interact with problems during the course of their careers. Now, a number of good and bad points can be drawn from above mentioned details that will ...