Its really true that in young age mostly people use to spend their life at work.job satisfaction is really essential part of the individual wellbeing. As in there should be a good and positive realtionship among the manager and his ...
Billion Essays Latest Articles
Today the high sales of popular consumer goods reflect the power of adverising and not the real needs of the society in which they are what extent do you agree or disagree?
uzmaIts true that now the time of advance technology as in advertisement trend is increasing day by day with its different kinds of features which really effects the large no of consumer to get a particular product and these products ...
Today the high sales of popular consumer goods reflect the power of adverising and not the real needs of the society in which they are what extent do you agree or disagree?
Its true that now the time of advance technology as in advertisement trend is increasing day by day with its different kinds of features which really effects the large no of consumer to get a particular product and these products ...
yasirDepression means that when you feel some harmless in your mind and think about some proplems and you can’t feel tranquil. Depression destroyed the mentally calm and all the actviyies are frozen. Depression is a reason of different disease in ...
yasirDisturbance means that when you feel uncomfortable in your mind and life. You can’t sleep properly and your life is going to dull and boring. There is a painstaking of reasons about disurbance such as may be you disturb about ...
Trade with other countries…
yasirTrade with other countries are better for pakistan and our folk’s. Every country can be progress if the import and export are increased. Imports exports play a vital role of country progressing. We can buy better and good quality things ...
crisis in Burma between Muslim and Buddhist.
yasirBurma is not much bigger country but its population is round about 80 million and 8 lac of Muslims quantum out of 80 million. Muslims bearoff aversioness in this country against Buddhist. Daily we see that lot of harmless muslims ...
Television. T.V
yasirTelevision is advanced invention of scientists everyone are aware about television even wherever he live. We can see everything on the TV such as movies dramas news and get a lots of knowledge about world. Cabel or dishes are the ...
boat or canao
yasirEveryone knows about canao we use canao as a ship for languages to move forword goods one country to other countries and city to city. There is a painstaking kind of ship’s some people use ships as recreational and enjoying ...
yasirTechnology is a essential part of our life everyone aware about technology. Technology covered all over the world everyone is connected with each other by using the great invention of internet and telecommunications services. We can do anything anywhere through ...
Energy drink’s
yasirEnergy drinks those bottles which are boosted or reform our stamina rapidly. These drinks are highly burgeoning and make enrgy in human body. Energy drinks are much harmfull for our health becouse when we drunks these bottle’s our stomic worke ...
smoking should be banned or not we should agree or disagree (300 words)
uzmaWell thats true that smoking should be banned as in my opinion its really not good for gealth.becaue a cigerate consists on carbon,nicotine which is really injurious for really effects the human body in start a person start coughing,then ...
single parents can do more upbringing their child then the both parents are you agree or disagree (300 words)
uzmaAs its true that child learn to their home in his or her very first there can be positive results on the upbringing of children by both they can give all basic needs e.g better education,food,shelter,moral values that ...
Bavarian Army
umar2630The Bavarian Army was the army of the Electorate (1682–1806) and then Kingdom (1806–1919) of Bavaria. It existed from 1682 as the standing army of Bavaria until the merger of the military sovereignty of Bavaria into that of the German ...
umar2630Austro-Hungarian was a conventional union of the empire Austria and apostolic kingdom of Hungary that existed from 1867 to 1918, when it collapsed as a result of defeat in World War I. It is also known as the Austro-Hungary Empire ...
Health Facilities
hananHealth facilities are very drastic in Pakistan.No proper Medical center,No proper medication even no availability of proper and well qualified Doctors.We have to take appointment of one month before going to check up from a experienced doctor and only the ...
Petrol prices
hananNowadays almost ever machinery operates on petrol.We can say that petrol has become the basic needs,but the problem is the PRICES OF PETROL that is increasing day by day that not only the people with poor background but the people ...
Favorite personality
hananMany people came in your life but a favorite personality is one who admires you a lot.We want to be like him.Mr Rauf is the personality I wish to be. He is a well reputed businessman. His way of doing ...
My dad, my hero
atif2014What i am today, what i have today is the efforts and hardwork of my father. Father is a personality who sacrifies every thing for the sack of our better future. He fulfills all of our basic need by giving ...
atif2014Pakistan is one of the corrupt country where no rules are followed and there is no punishment. Corruption is one-of the biggest challenge we have. It’s also one of the major hurdle in Pakistan’s development. Government should take serious action ...
What’s stopping Pakistan’s development and improvement?
atif2014There are too many challenges that we can say stopping the development and establishment of Pakistan like corruption, education, honesty, Law-in-order situations, sincerity, crimes, technology and many other things. These are the factors that can be over-come if we want ...
Mobile phones
atif2014Mobile phones are the greatest inventions of all times. Using these cell phones now can easily communicate with our friend and family members. Mobile phone is one of the technology which plays a vital role in our life. Now a ...
Price of a human life.
atif2014Now a day the price of human life is a price of a mobile phone. Peoples who get victim of snatcher sometime lose their life in resistance. These snatchers can do their criminal activities anywhere they want; they are free ...
Who was Klara Hitler?
ali39Kalara was a Austrian woman born on 12 August 1860, she was third wife of Alois Hitler and mother of Adlof Hitler, she was a typical housewife and had strongly adhered with her religion, she died with breast cancer on ...
Who was Edmund
ali39Edmund was the younger brother of Adlof Hitler born on 24 March 1896,unfortunately he died 5 years later with measles on 28 February 1900
People attend college or university for many defferent reasons (for example, new experiences, career preparation, increased knowledge). Why do you think people attend college or university?
ali39There is a wise proverb that attain knowledge from cradle to grave, relation between human and knowledge is very ancient different people with their divergent needs keen to achieve university college degree, as far as I concerned I totally agrees ...
Nowadays food has become easier to prepare. Has this change improved the way people live?
ali39In modern times everyone is on the go, though schedules, laborious jobs left very little time for people to manage themselves, however advancement in food technology has solved the problems of food preparation. In this essay I will focused on ...
Many people believe that women make better parents than men and that this is why they have the greater role in raising children in most societies. Others claim that men are just as good as women at parenting. Write an essay expressing your point of view
ali39Eternal bond between mother and children is un-deniable, regardless of creatures it is universal truth that nobody else can take care of child as mother does, fathers also play a significant role to facilitate their up-bringing, however this essay is ...
Internet – Merits and demerits
atif2014Internet is a knowledge-base where you can find every answer very easily. Today internet is very common in every house. After getting 3G and 4G license, internet with high speed is available on cell phones which has made our life ...
Horrible bosses
atif2014“Boss are always right” this is what almost employee knows. This is a fact if you have done something wrong then your manager says: don’t know anything, you are not responsible and even some time; you are fired, these kind ...
History maker person….
yasirHistory makes a person who worked in your life.time wait none of person wise man use your time and they can’t waist your time they did your worke with alacrity . If we thoroughly saw the history that every famous ...
Natural Lighting. …
yasirNatural light means that which light appeared when coluds are showered and start rain.winds start fastly everything moves with air such as tree leaves shoppers and make a chirp of tree with heavy boom of wind.every 2 or 3 days ...
how we earn wealth by Islamic law’s..?
yasirWe sholud follow Islamic rules and principles in every moment of life.our religious islam taught us how we doing every enthusiasm by order of Allah.we should earn money with the Following of our prophet(Muhammad).first before starting any kind of business ...
problems in Pakistan
yasirPakistan is a muslim state and its population is round about 180 million if we see that the problems in Pakistan there is lots of problems every person wants to become a rich man in day or night by hook ...
Branded garment’s
Branded things wihich are made by a famous national or international compny and selles all over the nationwide. Some famous cimpanies selles our products in Pakistan such as Gucci,Armani,levis,hangten,zaraman and other companies. Mostly rich people purchese these highly products branded ...
Fall of Pakistani hockey
atif2014As we all know that hockey is our national game and there was a time when Pakistani hockey was at the peak. Pakistan has won world cup 04 times and taught hockey to other countries as well. But suddenly an ...
Why we are not honest
atif2014“Honesty is the best policy” this is what we were taught in grade 3 or grade 4 but this is what actually not in our practical life. There are very few honest peoples left who sometime has to pay the ...
atif2014Technology plays a vital role in development and establishment of any country. Technology is a very vast area that can cover almost all aspect like hospitals, tracking, army, and schooling which can strengthen one country. Pakistan lacks in technology I ...
arslanExpectation is a perception but reality is when it occur to you.What we see is an phantom,what we do is a actuality.What comes back to us is value giving a thought to,what we realize is there and we imagine and ...
Computer – A great invention
atif2014Computer has become a very important factor in our daily life. Computer are used almost everywhere i.e. in schools, offices, hospitals, airports etc. ABACUS was the first computer made to ease the life. Since then technology starts to get more ...