It is chocolate manufactured by Mars co- operation in 1951 in United Kingdom and Canada but it has now gained global fame due to its unique taste. It is sold in two types of packing. One is blue in which ...
Billion Essays Latest Articles
MurtazaIt is public gathering by a group of people as a measure to present their demands in front of concerned authorities who are no longer paying heed to their requests by any simple means. It can be a way of ...
some people confess that the urbanization is to be a (Modern Disease) while others think to be a bad thing
HamzaUrbanization is the process by which the people are living in rural areas to place or move towards the urban areas in order to find better life.since last 3decades people have been migrating or shifting into the cities to acquire ...
syedaStreet children are the children who live and work in the streets.the population of people who lives in streets are increasing day by day because inflation,economic crises, family problems poverty are the reasons of is very hard life which ...
sad day at academy
Hamzai m imposed to narrate that catastrophy with you guys because that is big uncertainty in my life which were happened with my aspiration and thoughts which i anticapte from my self.the bad rumour is that i was very over ...
my life is terrible,the feeling of fear
syedaIndeed,my life is not terrible . but i have some kind of feeling of fear.i am satisfied with living my family,and have a great fun.but living in pakistan i think that my life is become terrible.and l do not feel ...
syedaRemember means re callings. and recallings never go from your mind.i still remember the days which i passed in my school.i remember these days with joy and school’s name was jpss. these were the beautiful days.all my teachers are ...
my life is terrible,the feeling of fear.
syedaIndeed,my life is not terrible . but i have some kind of feeling of fear.i am satisfied with living my family,and have a great fun.but living in pakistan i think that my life is become terrible.and l do not feel ...
The Ideal school
mahamThere is no such thing as an ideal school, that is my candid observartion. The view that one exists is a myth. Many well known schools have amplified their image which makes others believe that it must be truly facetious. ...
It is important to exercise and most people should join gym
TayyabI have never been inclined to participate in sports. Honestly, I didn’t like it, but many persons whom I lived with kept telling me everyday how good it was. Since the peer pressure was growing, I decided to go to ...
automation and technology
Hamzatechnology is a thing which inolves in artificial intelligence and high speed communication. to integrate the link between the people across through the globe map.advancement is happening to computing the robotics techcontrol,either its a type of business work or personal ...
It is important to exercise and most people should join gym.
MurtazaExercise means physical exertions that enable individuals to stay fit, burn their calories and keeps their weight within healthy limits. Thus it is an integral part for maintenance of health. Healthy individual are those who are able to perform all ...
We usually get worried for the things we don’t anticipate to happen
MurtazaGetting worried or disturbed is quite common and it especially happens in unforeseen circumstances or in adverse situations. Life is full of surprises and things never follow a predictable course. Many times in our life we plan to do one ...
Fat people are fat because they have bad eating habits
MurtazaFat people are define as individuals who have a body weight that is consider higher than average weight specific for their height and sex. Another way of judging anyone s’ weight is using the BMI known as the body mass ...
Physical labour
arslanManual labor or manual work is physical work done by people, most substantially in disparity to that done by machines, and also to that done by working animals. Lack of any potential to apply ability to a task or to ...
arslanExpectation is a perception but reality is when it occur to you. What we see is an phantom, what we do is a actuality. What comes back to us is value giving a thought to, what we realize is there, ...
who is in the taliban committee
zaman1Mulana samiul haq is a leader of taliban committee.Mulana said from government talk with us. we want the peace in the country.but CM MAIN NAWAZ SHARIF IS NOT MEETING WITH THEM.because mian nawaz sharif wants to abolish the tahreek taliban ...
richest man in saudi arabia
zaman1The name of richest man in saudi arabia ALWALEED BIN TALAL.He has 58 year old.His residence riyadh,saudi arabia.He is citizen of arabia.He is educated man.he hav two children.
pakistan cricket board
zaman1Najam sehti is the chairman of PCB IN THESE DAY.All the management in the hand of najam sehti.pcb was establishing in 1947 when pakistan had established.
youth festival
zaman1In these a day youth festival is held upon in stadium by the persistent efforts of athletes.There are many type of gameing competetion furthermore fashion shows are also organized as a event in abroad more over as in pakistan many ...
offensive statement
MurtazaOffensive comments are statements or remarks that can make people offended and can disturb social ties with that individual. Many people would call various types of contrasting statements as offending but according to me two types are usually not acceptable ...
Have i done a nice job?
MurtazaThis is a very common question which is asked by every individual at some point in his life or at some point in the day. The reply to this answer can be yes or no. Now in order to get ...
MurtazaHarassment is a behavior intended to disturb or upset an individual. It can be of various types. Work place harassment, psychological, racial, religious, sexual and police harassment. Like many other evils this phenomena of harassment is also more common in ...
MurtazaOlympics are the leading sporting event in the world with more than 200 nations participating in this mega event. They are classified as summer, winter, Paralympics and youth Olympics. They are conducted every four yearly with summer and winter Olympics ...
Miami dolphins
MurtazaIt is professional American football team in Miami Metropolitan area which was established in 1966. They play in Sun life stadium Florida. Its main owner, who owns 95% of its total share, is M. Ross. The team nick name is ...
ice hockey
MurtazaIce hockey is team sport which is nick named as “the fastest game on earth”. It was initially played in Canada in 18th century but today its popularity span has expanded to the entire globe. Players are called as skaters ...
traits of leaders
Hamzatrait is an quality that makes one person or thing different from an other especially trait leader are the perfect personalities who lead the union of brands and department these members are known by their connoiseur they make the way ...
Story line
Hamzaactually story line is the name of a character to episode which we watch in severals as like darama episode basically stroy line creates a partnership between teachers and learners for instance if the teacher ask a question which is ...
police commissioner
DanishPolice commissioner Every department has different type of designations. Like other department, in the department of police many types of designation like inspector, sp, ccpo, dig, ig and police commissioner . In British security department police commissioner is a high ...
DanishPollution means add unbeneficial factor in to the environment. Pollution has many types for example water pollution, smoke pollution, and noise pollution. The horns of vehicles produce noise pollutions and smoke destroys our ozone layer and makes hole in the ...
Wonderful Pistachio
samra tufailwonderful pistachio is a commercial an american men stephen colbert who is promoting this product by telling its benefits for increasing sale also an eagle is also sitting down helping a man in promoting advertisement. the add is showing after ...
Puppy adoption
samra tufailThe question is why people adopt puppy ?many reasons are behind it.. may b due to their hobby or feel lonely it is also considered as a status symbol too. who adopt puppy as a hobby they really look after ...
Most Important Thing in Life
samra tufailthere are many things which are very important in our life such as time,money etc. why money is most important ?because we cant imagine life without money its just like a blood in a body. if a person do not ...
arslanPersonality refers to individual differences in representative patterns of thoughtful, feeling and performing. The study of personality focuses on two broad areas: One comprehends individual differences in particular personality characteristics, such as sociability or irritability. The other understands how the ...
Global competition
arslanGlobal competition is the competition in the globe, between the populations of different nations. The existence of challenging organization that serves international clients. In developed countries, such as the United States, global trade often means that earnings are decreased for ...
arslanPsychology is an educational and applied discipline that involves the scientific education of spiritual functions and manners. Psychology has the instant destination of understanding individuals and groups by both establishing universal moralities and studying specific cases, and by many accounts ...
Voluntary groups
arslanVoluntary groups are set up by ordinary people and they aim to help others in the local community. This voluntary organization aims to help the people by raising money for vital, extra equipment needed by needy peoples or pitiable. They ...
Main challenge
MurtazaThe main challenge that we face as a nation is to fight against terrorism and corruption. The other issues are the off shoots of these two evils. When law and order is affected there is lack of foreign investment, huge ...