Staying happy is a habit. When we say that someone is happy that does not means he is not suffering from any worry or he is the wealthiest man in the world the point that makes him happy is his ...
Billion Essays Latest Articles
Recognition from bosses
MurtazaThere are two ways of discussing this topic one is the theoretical way and other is practical one. I will put light on both of them. Bookish way says that just do your job, when in the meeting give your ...
Managing people
MurtazaThere are more than 4 billion humans in the world! Then it means there are 4 billon different types of personalities that these people have. So for this I call managing people an art. When we say that Mr. X ...
Concern about the future
MurtazaFuture is mystery. Every man shows some degree of concern and worry about what is going to happen next. It is quite natural and it varies from person to person. Moreover, our surroundings, education background and economic condition of our ...
A story to tell
faheemI would like to tell a story about my school trip to Murree for scouting in June. I was in seventh class and there were fifty nine students who went to Murree for a week for scouting with me.I really ...
What makes you happy?
faheemThere are many things which makes me happy like attending a wedding ceremony because most of my cousins gathered ,Birthdays, visiting an old friend and helping someone. Watching movies and animated cartoon also make me happy because they are lot ...
Who is an assistant director?
faheemAssistant director role is to track routine work of company, he is also responsible for compliance with health and safety and tax regulations. Assistant director is also responsible for making notes and proper number of copies of correct agenda prior ...
Why are coke ads so boring?
faheemCoke adds are so boring because they repeat same idea as twenty years ago. People already know how and when to drink coke so they found it so boring. Coke can’t compare it with any other beverage because of its ...
Pepsi vs Coca Cola
faheemPepsi and Coca Cola are competitor. They both deal in beverages. Pepsi is one of main competitor of Coca Cola in Asia but in rest of world coca Cola has major lead on Pepsi. People prefer Coke on Pepsi because ...
Why does coca cola spend so much on marketing?
faheemCoca cola spend so much on marketing because they don’t have any thing else to do,they cannot develop new flavor and if they develop may not be acceptable to costumers.they just spending for the name of coca cola so that ...
what is super bowl?
faheemThe Super Bowl is the annual championship game of the National Football League, the highest level of professional American football in the United States, culminating a season that begins in the late summer of the previous calendar year.The day on ...
what is super bowl?
faheemThe Super Bowl is the annual championship game of the National Football League, the highest level of professional American football in the United States, culminating a season that begins in the late summer of the previous calendar year.The day on ...
Why is math so difficult?
faheemComparing math with other subjects, students normally find math is more difficult because it require more presence of mind.IT also include many assumptions where students normally stuck and unable to solve question. Algebra,Theorems and formulas makes Maths more difficult for ...
5 best snacks in the world
faheemNow a days most popular snack in world is potato chips made by different companies, like LAYS and POTATO CRIPS. These are very crunchy and delicious to eat as snack.Other commonly use snacks are Cake, chocolate,wafers and candies.All snacks are ...
hotel and motels
Hamzahotel is an old word but now on international level mostly people use word motel motel is an our essential part of accomodation there are many seven stars hotel in pakistan which provide several facilities to the foreigner and other ...
my ambitions
HamzaActually Ambition is an part of the life and thoughts on other hand that is strong desires and decission which we get it from the brain to prove the reality of our personality its a type of goal which we ...
fortune 500
MurtazaIt is a US magazine which ranks the top 500 US co-operations in public and private sector by estimating their gross revenue after making an estimation of the money paid in the form of taxes. The magazine was first published ...
voluntary groups
MurtazaThey are group of people who unite to form an organization to accomplish a common goal. Common examples are trade, student, labor and environmental organizations. They are no profit firms use to work for accomplishment of various objectives. In many ...
MurtazaIt involves study of mental function and human behavior. It is a very broad subject and its main aim is to characterize the way human beings behave in a particular social setting or in a given situation, this refers to ...
Tim Hortons
arslanTim Hortons is a Canada’s fastest growing fast food restaurant.It was first started as a small coffee shop.At starting in Tim Hortons there was selection of only two products coffee and donuts.But as the consumers tastes grew so the choices ...
Pakistan army
MurtazaPakistan army is one of the well trained army of the world with a reporting name as PA. it contain 550,000 active troops and 500,000 reserve soldiers. The motto is “the follower of none but Allah, fear of Allah and ...
powerpuff girls
MurtazaIt is an animated cartoon series created by Mc. Cracken in 1992. It is a good blend of action and adventure comprising of three super natural girls named as blossom, bubble and buttercup. These three girls were created by a ...
how many people like you?
Murtazathe question is very interesting. narrating the truth is difficult but i would love to share. my family members, parents and my relatives do love me a lot. Most probably due to my caring nature and my obedience. But when ...
DanishInheritance means hereditary succession to a title or an office or property. Inheritance is a big source of wealth if the forefathers are landlord or businessman. In other words inheritance means qualities and characteristics which transfer from forefathers to next ...
momentous time
DanishMomentous time is a very great significance moment of life. Deciding to drop the atom bomb was a very big decision and a momentous tragedy. A person cannot forget the historic happening because it is related to a big happiness ...
Countries that rule the world
MurtazaWhen we refer to countries who rule the world they have one thing in common i.e. their strong education system and their development in the field of science and technology. So when we think of making a progress in the ...
old lessons
DanishOld lesson I have many old books in my home library. In the modern world people have not books because most of the people are interested to study through internet library. We can search old lesson from internet without consume ...
The most powerful man in Pakistan
MurtazaFor me the most powerful man in Pakistan is Chief of army staff Mr. Raheel Sharif. He is all in all of the army. He is above law and not answerable to any one with large army under his control. ...
Is Geo news biased?
MurtazaYes, it is! In fact it would be harsh if we label only Geo news. The truth is that in this current era of commercialism every institution particularly media only works for its financial gains. So, they only work and ...
Relations of Pakistan and India
MurtazaThe relations of Pakistan and India have been hot & cold as Kashmir has been a bone of contention between the two nations. Moreover, the radical elements from both sides continue to support terrorist activates in each other’s states. However, ...
How to prevent war in Pakistan?
MurtazaIn Pakistan there is an ongoing war with the militants or so called religious extremists with Pakistan army. This is going on for about 10 years or so with huge loss of human life and public property. When we are ...
Free Calling Services Other Than Skype
arslanInternet has instigate many free calling services other than skype.There are technologies like tango and viber Other than skype.Tango and viber allow comfortably stay connect with friends and family.These both application run proficiently in 3G,4G and wifii connection.Tango is capable ...
Canadian Immigration
arslanToday issues dealing with immigration are not as bad as there were many years.Immigration would gradually become selective and focused on either types of skills immigrants brought to Canada or their ethnic backgrounds.People migrate to Canada because of its pull ...
increasing the price of petrol is the best way to solve growing traffic and pollution problems
samra tufailthere are various causes which are badly affecting the environment and causing global warming one of them is pollution there are different kinds of pollution air pollution noise pollution water pollution etc one of the most dangerous pollution is air ...
Dark Knight Rises
rizwanThe Dark Knight Rises is a 2012 British-American superhero film directed by Christopher Nolan it is the sequel to Batman Begins (2005) and The Dark Knight (2008). I’ve only watched Dark Knight 2008 and I loved that movies just because ...
Martial Law
rizwanMartial law is the imposition of military power on am emergency basis. It is usually imposed for on a temporary basis where civilian government failed to function properly and effectively for example case of emergency or when there are extensive ...
How did OK come in to being
rizwanThere are many explanations for the origin of the term OK. Some date the term, which is essentially an agreement or an assent, back to the Native American term “okeh” which means an agreement. Others say the term came from ...
Costa Rica
rizwanCosta Rica is a country in Central American which got independence in 18th century. It is believed to be the first one of the few sovereign nations without an army and the only Latin American country to have been a ...
dr. pepper
MurtazaIt is a soft drink popular in the US. The manufacturing plant is in Texas. The name of this soft drink is also very interesting pepper is derived from the word pepsin which is an enzyme in our stomach for ...
Allies of America
MurtazaAmerica is the super power of the world. Whenever, country wants to progress by leaps and bounds it wants to make allies or in other words friends that assists it in its economic development, and stands by it through thick ...