I have been preparing for the IELTS, but I have failed to comprehend the reason for not moving in the right direction. I relish going out, but the whole notion of being confined to a room to cram ideas is ...
Billion Essays Latest Articles
how to help the people
kamranTheir are many wasys to help the people,If any one in trouble we just go to himself and ask the cause of his trouble, if cause of the people are needing of money. we help out through give or lent ...
why do childern love zoo
kamranChild age is the time period innocence and loving nature, They knew nothing they love and like every attractive thing, and animals are the nature most attractive creature in this world. Childern were gonig to zoo. They loved animals and ...
What makes you strong
kamranDetermination and struggle is the main thing which make me stronger. I never loss my any work. when i was reading in primary school my determination is to going in the graduate. Now i achive my goal and now made ...
Samsng Smart Phones
kamranToday is going to mobilization war in the mobile companies. sumsang purchase the patients of andriod system with the collaboration of google. They made an agreement of ten years to run the andriod system solely. Samsung company is clever they ...
learn more
kamranlife is not only to live and do work and eat food. But is more than these life is to learn evertime everthing, Human being always learnt somethng from in every sphire of the age. In the childhood they learnt ...
World of luxury
MurtazaLuxury is considered something essential for life but is more related to comfort. Everyone enjoys a number of luxuries in his daily life but the real concept lies in the fact that whether we realize this truth or not.Making oneself ...
Perception Vs reality
MurtazaThey are two different terms and they can be explained as under. perception means how we interpret our surrounding environment using our five senses like hearing, vision, taste, smell and touch. it depends upon the state of our mind and ...
why do girls hate baby brothers?
MurtazaGirls do hate their baby brothers. in fact it is not about girls it is about all older children. it is natural phenomena and many psychotherapists believed that it is important for the parents to recognize that and react appropriately ...
Saving money in New york
MurtazaSaving money is an art and when you are on aforeign soil it becomes even more important to master that art especially in deer and modern cites like New York. so for this just follow few simple things. use public ...
most important thing in life.
MurtazaThe most important thing in life is health. a man who is healthy is the most fortunate individual in life. nothing can substitute for health. All the colors of life seem enchanting when one is healthy.the importance of health can ...
Never say never…
wardaIt is a famous qoutation that WHEN THERE IS A WILL THERE IS A WAY, I believe that when there is NO will still there is a way. In order to achieve somthnign in life or anything in life one ...
Samsung Smart phones…
wardaSamsung Smart phones… Samsung smart phones are one of the leading smart phones of the modern century. they are designed keepng in veiw the need of the target market and segments. the pjones are user friendly and reliable. Samsung smart ...
Learn More…
wardaLearn More… from the time of our birth untill we die, we are in the process of learning. learning is a process of acquiring knowledge from the surroundings which can be appluicable in any phase of life. For social benefits ...
loud noises…
wardaloud noises… noise is a sound which can be unpleasing for the people around or it mught be pain for some people. loud noises can be harm to our listening strengths or eardrums and can also be harmful for some ...
I hate when people burb….
wardaI hate when people burb…. Burbing is not a bad habit but i guess one should excuse before doing such act and if done unconciously the should pardn for their behaviour. As there have been many people around who just ...
What makes you strong?
wardaWhat makes you strong? Nurture your strength to be a s ource of strength, I believe that theres nothing more than experiecnce that makes me strong. As we grow older we had to work on personality in order to be ...
Best joke ever
HamzaA young blonde is disttraught because she fears her husband having an affair so she goes to a gun shop nd buys the gun The nextday she comes in home to find her husband on a bed with a beauty ...
Why Did titanic sink ?
TaimurMore than 100 years ago, the ship titanic called “virtually unsinkable” get struck in the iceberg on its very first journey and get sunk in the hell of the ocean within 3 hours. Claiming more than 1000 life’s of passengers ...
Most expensive house in the world
TaimurMost Expensive House: The most expensive house in the world is in Mumbai, India. Its called Antilia. This house is owned by one of the biggest business giant of India Mukesh Ambani. He made this house on the wish of ...
What do you think people of your age can do to improve life in your country
mahama revolution not comes by itself it has to be brought. now the question is who will take this task at hand and finish this anarchy once and for all. the younger generation of a country has always been more ...
A rich man unexpectedly lost all his wealth
mahamSalman Potter, a resident of Daroghan Wala, was found dead this morning. when asked by the medical staff they stated that a few days back he had a heart attack. authorities claim that Mr. Salman Potter was a very rich ...
A food store in your country suddenly closed and caused great trouble
mahamThe most expanded store in the country suddenly caught fire and got shut down. there seems to be a state of chaos as people from the store run for their lives. officials are reporting there have been 20 casualties and ...
Activities of religious people in my country
mahamEvery country has its own ideology which enables it to have a seperate identity. that ideology may be based on culture or religion. religious ideologies are the most common and the most immutable. the magnification of these ideologies clearly depends ...
Animals in Pakistan
AdnanPakistan is a country where every kind of animal is found and we can see a unique wildlife over here.